Jermaine Jackson After Party - Planet Hollywood October 2 20



  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    Hi Susan, you are very welcome here and thank you for posting. I understand from the thread that you were able to upload a video to Youtube showing the Jermaine Jackson After Party. You looked like you were having a ball - it must have been great to be there and get the photos and footage. I am also from the UK, I hope you are enjoying living in the US - Peace and L.O.V.E to you. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I had the time of my life. I'm sorry if I was enjoying myself TOO much, I guess after a couple of drinks, a great atmosphere, good company and one of my idols being there, as well as having met Tito Jackson that night, I was in a good mood. I know the video is being used by lots of different people including people in Entertainment. I had no problem with this. I wanted as many fans as possible who did not have the opportunity to either attend the concert as I had to fly thousands of miles to Vegas to get there myself, to see it. Or for those who didn't get the opportunity to attend the after party. I receive comments and messages every day from people saying they love it and now all of a sudden I'm being disparaged? I don't get it. As for the comment of the person who quoted me as saying "true fans", for the record I meant fans who didn't suddenly appear the day after June 25 2009, but for those like me who had been there all along. I hope that clears that up.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I will fully reply in detail in my usual way to this thread and your comments Susan,when I am back from the set I am working on tomorrow.

  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    hi there susan,can i ask a couple of questions please.....
    1. why is there no other footage of the event except yours...????
    2. why have you put a man with his back to us in your still shot...???

    thankyou susan
  • Hi, Susan.

    It's really surprising to see you here actually. As I'm sure you've gone thru the whole thread and read our discussion about contacting you on fb, asking about the videos and stills you uploaded on youtube. You should understand that for us it's rather suspicious that you showed up RIGHT before we send the message. Also considering your previous comments, we assumed that you were not a beLIEver. Now that leaves us with a couple questions. How do we know you are really Susan and not someone else pretending to be Susan? This forum is public and anyone can read everything that's being said here. We've had too many fake identities, trolls, disturbed people and all that coming to our forum trying to pull our legs. So you should understand we cannot just believe everything a person says, if it's not backed-up by solid evidence. Do you think you can provide that? Like maybe a still or a fraction of the 2nd video you mentioned?

    I'm not going to go thru the American laws/fb pic/whatever topic, I think Sind explained why to some people your comments might have been perceived as offensive or insulting. To an outside person your fb group really seemed ridiculous, to say the least. You cannot blame us for not knowing the background story, obviously.

    So if you are really interested in what we are doing here and want to share your info, why don't you just do it by proving your identity and giving us some hard evidence?

    Also, as Sind pointed out, do it in the open space, on the forum, so everyone can comment.

    Thanks, Ch.
  • Well she seems to know my facebook name after some research so why don't you send me a private message there with a code word or phrase and I will repeat it back here and then that way you will know.
  • YOU find it suspicious? How do you think I FEEL after being contacted by hundreds and hundreds of people out of nowhere questioning me left right and center for something I thought would just make other people happy? I don't know why I'm the only one with a video. It was a very small gathering inside. Most of the crowd was outside. It was pandemonium outside of there. Like I said, because the footage I posted was very short and for purposes of people who were with me there that night and for my family back home, I edited it to make it short. I placed a longer piece of footage online last night and then got overwhelmed with people messaging me again and over the last few days have been linked to various sites mentioning my name, my video and last night...THIS. I find it too much to be honest. I'm just clearing up basic points that's all.
  • You shouldn't be surprised that people are contacting you about the video. This is 2010 and if you upload something on YT and this something happens to be MJ related...well, what else to expect? Seriously...

    But you haven't answered my Qs. Why did you come here? Just to clear your name? Or you want to share info? If you have something to say just do it. "Cause that's how we do it here.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Overall you sound like a nice genuine person, just from reading your posts, willing to fight anyone who puts out a fighting stance which is understandable. I feel sorry that you had that unfortunate accident and legal troubles. I'm happy you were at the JJ after party. But there is just something VERY strange about you wondering why you were the only one who uploaded a video of the event, and it seems EXTREMELY coindidenctal you finding this site, when it sounds like you've been unundated with messages from fans galore about this site, like RIGHT after we posted about you. We speciallize in studying about coincidences at this forum. But just assuming you are who you say you are, my question is could you tell us about the MJ impersonators who were there. Did you meet any of them and talk to them, particularily the one with the red shirt and black jacket? Why are you trying to make it difficult for us by saying look in your private facebook for your response for a proof? If you are already here could you kindly just put a short clip of your second video? I think that would sufficiently prove to everyone here that you are that person. We would really appreciate it and thank you in advance. And also even though I have only fallen in love with Michael after his "death" I consider myself just as "true" as any friend from a longer period. Please don't underestimate MJ's influence on people out there that you don't really know. We here only question everything and everybody because of our love and appreciation for MJ, and if you are authentic we want to show you much respect. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Hi Susan,

    Please forgive me if I have offended you. If you look at my history on this forum you will see that it's not my nature to be offensive.

    I'm usually the peacemaker but your comments about American laws are equivalent to coming into my home for a meal and then attacking the way the food is prepared when you did nothing constructive to add to the preparation or cost of the meal. I understand your frustration but I am sure your country is not free of problems either. If you believe a non-American has the right to be president of America, then I suggest you check other countries and tell me how many would allow you to run for their government being a non-citizen? Humor or not, your comments weren't funny. Enough said. I understand you only intended that to be read by close friends/family.

    With that, your life must be like a superstar now that hundreds and hundreds are emailing you with questions. I guess on some levels you know now how celebrities (like the Jacksons) must feel to have their privacy invaded and words twisted. We appreciate that you've taken time out of your busy life to come on here in order to set us straight. But so far you have not done that. There is a saying that where there is no smoke the fire will go out. All you have managed to do is fan the smoke into a flame. So, again, please forgive us for wanting proof.

    And I am glad that you made sure to put your full name as to leave no doubt as to who you are. Thanks, I guess.

    It's obvious if you live in Florida that you traveled a great distance in order to see Jermaine in Las Vegas. It must have taken a lot of your time and energy to prepare. Did you happen to see Michael's children?

    I'll end by asking what you think makes a "true fan". One who has spent years drooling over pictures, screaming in a crowd at a concert, professing your love and devotion, buying all of the albums, posters, and memorabilia, etc? Is a true fan someone who has loved Michael for 40 years or 4 hours? I think Michael would love both of these fans the same.

    If you are a "true fan" can I ask what you've done to fight for Michael's vindication over the past years? What have you done since June 2005 to stop the lies and abuse that Michael and his family have endured? How much money have you donated towards a worthy cause in Michael's behalf? You see it doesn't matter how long a person has followed Michael, what matters is what are they doing to help. So, I ask, what are you doing to help? You could be using your Facebook to help in the vindication of Michael instead of posting silly comments - and I encourage you to do so. We "less than true" fans of Michael have spent nearly every day and many, many, hours of our free time (and not so free time) searching endlessly for the truth. We have committed ourselves to righting a wrong that should never have happened to begin with. We have devoted hours to praying for the family. We have spent money donating to worthy causes that Michael would have supported. We are correcting the media when they publish incorrect statements about Michael or the Jacksons. And we defend them to everyone we meet. We've combed hundreds of documents in search of facts including the autopsy report, ambulance report, FBI files, wills, etc. Us "non-fans" probably know so much more about Michael and his family than you will ever know. So, what makes a true fan?

    If you are legit I would like to see something posted on your Facebook addressing this. Otherwise, I'm sorry to say, I won't believe you are really Susan and my time is better spent on searching for the truth. I hope you feel better after your accident. Thanks.
  • How do you know I do not help? How do you know that I don't do some kind of part? How do you think I got into that party? Do you think maybe I knew somebody? Does it enter your head that maybe I did do something positive and that was my end result? I am more than happy to post a short clip of my other footage if you walk me through the steps. I will not divulge who I know, what I do, what I did, but just for proof I am happy to give a few seconds of my other footage because I really am tired of all this. My feelings have been incredibly hurt and not at any stage did I ever say England was better than America or that we didn't have problems. But I DO think it's a serious problem when I see kids going to court for traffic tickets and being fined hundreds of dollars and a girl who nearly killed me walked off scot free and not a dime out of her pocket. So maybe, just in my small way, maybe I am trying to highlight OTHER problems outside of Jackson issues because being 42 years old and English, I come from a different time and place, so I do not understand this. It's a huge culture shock, if that offends someone then oh well, but I'm sorry I do NOT see the justice.
  • No I did not see Michael's children, other people have told me that they did, I do not see how they saw them because I sat in the row directly behind the Jackson family and as you probably saw in my video I had a picture to prove that. Michael's kids did not turn up to the after party and neither did Mr or Mrs Jackson or Tito and Sonia. However Autumn Jackson did and I had a blast with her, she's a very very nice and humble person as well as incredibly beautiful. There was a professional photo shoot done on the night and I was in that. I do remember the guy in the red shirt of course I do. I was standing beside him for quite a long time and he has contacted me via youtube to say what his name is and you are all free to view my comments. I came to this board because people, like I say, have been bombarding me in the hundreds with questions and demanding answers. I did not speak to the guy in the red shirt. Someone else did that I know very very well and according to them he said he came from Australia, however it was very loud in there and he could have misheard. Now I read it's Aruba. You are free to read how I felt about that also on my YouTube page. I saw him in the concert and being probably amongst the first 10 people to arrive inside the concert and having front row seats, I did notice a lot of clicking of cameras when the Michael Jackson impersonators came in. I saw all of them up close in the concert and also at the after party as they seemed to be part of an entourage. None of them stuck out to me, apart from the guy in the red shirt. I have said and I quote again, as I seem to have been quoted in various other sources, that my stomach was churning over and over when I was next to him. Other than that, I don't know what you want me to say.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Hello Susan. Nice to have you here <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I appreciate your honest answers.

    Just a question. Did you feel/ see anything odd at any time during the concert or after party?. With odd I refer to abnormal or unusual.

  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    You are free to read how I felt about that also on my YouTube page.

    Hi Susan,
    Do you mind posting a link to your youtube account?

    To answer your earlier question.....To post a video, try these on post reply, click on "upload attachment" (2nd gray tab) click on browse, then add file. I believe it has to be under a certain size. (not sure what size) Hopefully this works. can can copy and paste the url from youtube and click on the youtube category in the post reply page and will appear. Now paste the url between the youtube words.

    Hopefully this makes sense.
  • There were a lot of odd things that night. I really don't want to say because I have an acquaintance of mine who is a close friend of one of the Jacksons and I am very loyal in not divulging information. The concert started very late. There were a lot of discrepancies. My camera was confiscated and security was on me like white on rice for most of the night. I was very fortunate that Tito and Jermaine were entirely gracious throughout by allowing me my moments with them. Jermaine made time to meet as many people in the party as humanly possible, and we were given a lot of let's say 'miscommunication'. I do not say that any of that was down to the Jackson family but the security was so tight it was almost unbearable. I did want to speak to the guy in the red shirt and it took a couple of drinks before I was able to loosen up but I wasn't quite at that stage where I could approach him. Of course something did not sit right with me as far as he was concerned, I was standing about a foot away from him a lot of the time as I am sure future photoshoots will show. There is going to be a pay per view for the concert as far as I am aware and the Jackson impersonators including the guy you are talking about were taking photo shoots. Did I wonder? Well of course I did and then at the same time I felt incredibly guilty at being handed such a huge opportunity to think maybe it WAS him. It was a great night, I could not flaw any of the Jackson family they are extremely beautiful and wonderful in person and if you tell me how, I will upload a small excerpt to a video and after that I am never going to show any of my videos again. This has been way over my head.
  • You are free to read how I felt about that also on my YouTube page.

    Hi Susan,
    Do you mind posting a link to your youtube account?

    To answer your earlier question.....To post a video, try these on post reply, click on "upload attachment" (2nd gray tab) click on browse, then add file. I believe it has to be under a certain size. (not sure what size) Hopefully this works. can can copy and paste the url from youtube and click on the youtube category in the post reply page and will appear. Now paste the url between the youtube words.

    Hopefully this makes sense.

    Like I told you, things got really out of hand last night for me and I took down all of my videos I have hundreds of little excerpts of the night but I am happy to put one back up for a very short time and then I am going to remove it for good
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    You are free to read how I felt about that also on my YouTube page.

    Hi Susan,
    Do you mind posting a link to your youtube account?

    To answer your earlier question.....To post a video, try these on post reply, click on "upload attachment" (2nd gray tab) click on browse, then add file. I believe it has to be under a certain size. (not sure what size) Hopefully this works. can can copy and paste the url from youtube and click on the youtube category in the post reply page and will appear. Now paste the url between the youtube words.

    Hopefully this makes sense.

    Like I told you, things got really out of hand last night for me and I took down all of my videos I have hundreds of little excerpts of the night but I am happy to put one back up for a very short time and then I am going to remove it for good

    Thank you for sharing some of your experiences from that night. How exciting that must have been!

    Up above you said "You are free to read how I felt about that also on my youtube page." I am wondering how we are supposed to read your comments on your youtube page without a link? Or have you deleted your account?
  • Ok I have no idea what has happened here but my YouTube account has been completely hacked and removed. I only removed the videos not the account, so I have had to make a new account. The video will show some of my earlier excerpts and some new ones but YouTube is not allowing me on under my former account and I don't know why so bear with me and you guys can see it in a few minutes, then I am going to remove the video for good. Fair enough?
  • Here is a link to one of my videos. I'm taking it down after a few minutes. <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Here is a link to one of my videos. I'm taking it down after a few minutes. <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Thank you for sharing. It looks like you had a great time. What an awesome opportunity!

    Did you have someone (a friend?) record this footage with your cell phone? Or were you given this footage as part of the backstage party gifts? (I don't know what you would call it.) I see you are in the footage, so I am wondering who taped it? Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    Thank you very much Susan for posting your video, I for one enjoyed it very much. I expect you will never forget the evening. Wonderful to have such close contact with Jermaine and I saw Tito there as well. I hope you will continue to stay on the forum, as I said before you are welcome here
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Here is a link to one of my videos. I'm taking it down after a few minutes. <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Thank you for sharing. It looks like you had a great time. What an awesome opportunity!

    Did you have someone (a friend?) record this footage with your cell phone? Or were you given this footage as part of the backstage party gifts? (I don't know what you would call it.) I see you are in the footage, so I am wondering who taped it? Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.

    I am wondering how you got so much footage because you said your camera got confiscated. At what parts of the evening did they take your camera, because you have shots from the concert and footage from the after party. Or was none of this footage from your camera? Thank you again for taking the time to answer questions.
  • My camera battery got removed at the start of the concert even though I had been given prior permission to take it. Pictures during the concert were taken via a cellphone with security guards watching me heavily making sure I had no videos of the actual concert. I was given back the battery and when I was in the after party I was then able to take video footage myself and most of it by someone else. This all belongs to me and I am the only one who has it. I hope that answers your questions. Like I said I wanted those who were with me that night and got lost in the excitement to have a recording of it and to share with other fans, this has blown way out of proportion and some of the emails and messages I get! So if that's just a LITTLE of what the Jacksons have to go through in their every day life, I am glad it's not me. I hope I have answered your questions, I have removed the video but for those who saw it, I think I have proved beyond doubt who I am.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    My camera battery got removed at the start of the concert even though I had been given prior permission to take it. Pictures during the concert were taken via a cellphone with security guards watching me heavily making sure I had no videos of the actual concert. I was given back the battery and when I was in the after party I was then able to take video footage myself and most of it by someone else. This all belongs to me and I am the only one who has it. I hope that answers your questions. Like I said I wanted those who were with me that night and got lost in the excitement to have a recording of it and to share with other fans, this has blown way out of proportion and some of the emails and messages I get! So if that's just a LITTLE of what the Jacksons have to go through in their every day life, I am glad it's not me. I hope I have answered your questions, I have removed the video but for those who saw it, I think I have proved beyond doubt who I am.

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I did view the video and enjoyed it. I agree that I would not want my life under a microscope. I quite enjoy my everyday, ordinary life! Take Care!
  • My camera battery got removed at the start of the concert even though I had been given prior permission to take it. Pictures during the concert were taken via a cellphone with security guards watching me heavily making sure I had no videos of the actual concert. I was given back the battery and when I was in the after party I was then able to take video footage myself and most of it by someone else. This all belongs to me and I am the only one who has it. I hope that answers your questions. Like I said I wanted those who were with me that night and got lost in the excitement to have a recording of it and to share with other fans, this has blown way out of proportion and some of the emails and messages I get! So if that's just a LITTLE of what the Jacksons have to go through in their every day life, I am glad it's not me. I hope I have answered your questions, I have removed the video but for those who saw it, I think I have proved beyond doubt who I am.

    Thank you for taking the time to post the video. I viewed it as well. I respect the fact that have come back to answer questions and I apologize for my abrasiveness towards you.

    It did appear as though security was especially close to Jermaine at all times which makes me wonder if there have been threats? Jermaine and his wife both seem to be looking around a lot - maybe just to see who all was there?

    I wonder where the children were - one would think that they'd be with the rest of the family during the performance. Very interesting.

    I wonder what the purpose of the impersonators being there were for. Were they part of the performance? Also, you intimate that you believe Michael could be alive. Can you say if this was something you believed before the performance/after party or after witnessing some of the strange events?

    Thank you, again, for coming back to give us that view. I appreciate that for once someone is who they claim to be. Thanks.
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