Jermaine Jackson After Party - Planet Hollywood October 2 20



  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Yes thank you Sinder. I'm calm. And sarcastic too. And thirdly, understand much more clearly now.

    Starting late is a sign to me. The memorial set off big red flags of doubt with the delay on live TV that lasted (what seemed like) now until eternity.

    Awesome,glad we're cool =]
    Tried to explain as much as possible.Quite hard in a comment though
    Sarcasm is my best friend haha!

    All those points are just a constant feature through out and this video/event is no different apart from the coca cola thing.
    The whole memorial is a big red flag and so is FL.Them being late was the cherry on top.Who is late to a funeral?really....SO DISRESPECTFUL!

    I am keeping to my point on the security and will try to get more info from my sourse for us ASAP.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    ...strange goings on pre show...starts late like everything else post 25June 09,is MJ there..isn't MJ there..could have been...trash can..pepsi....ONE CAMERA FILMING!

    Wait, what'd I miss? Talk to me Sinder, what's this /strange/late/trash/pepsi chain of events you speak of?
    Also,another random piece of info i discovered....
    The guy who seems to have been the only person filming the entire JJ Vegas show on the 2nd FROM THE BACK OF THE VENUE!!!!! and who has uploaded the vids to called 'KenRolling' he joined youtube on.......June 25th 2008 and the JJ vids are the only thing he has uploaded in those 2+years...

    Yes very weird. What video is this? Show us!

    SINDER: links when you reference, please!

    OK calm down.

    First question Answered:
    In the thread about Jermaines ACTUAL performance show on October 2nd 2010 by Dejavu
    a member of this forum-pepper I think commented how she had attended that night and it had started over an hour late,people were waiting around and there was no apology from anyone for making the crowd wait.I've never been to a live show in my entire life and it start over an hour late.I work in music and ent as some of you know,live music is a huge part of my life,there is ALWAYS an opening act incase anything happens-delays-transport problems-traffic-technical.
    My point was-and I was being sarcastic-that everything since Michael's 'death' that involves the Jacksons starts LATE. The memorial started late,the funeral started late at FL,the court prelim for Murray started late and this tribute to him...started late.
    I don't know if it has any significance it was just an observation.

    The trash can,is pictured directly in front view here;
    and I was reffering to the whole trash can theory in general...there is another one to add to it.There is a comment by 'Andrea'in Dejavu's thread about this,I think she pointed it out to start with.
    The strange events was in reference to the FRONT row seats not being a show...a tribute show non the less to Michael Jackson?The promoter had to get up and ask people to move forward as it was being filmed for pay per view-like most things in Vegas.I have never been to a show/or ran a show myself in the past where I have had to actually ask the audience to move forward so it looked fuller :/

    In regards to Pepsi,I did actually mean Coke.That was my typing mistake and I was generalising,it was just a summary/list of things that seem to pop up with every incident,event,new piece of information/footage.I did not mean there were coke signs everywhere at Jermaines event.The Jermaine tribute show was one of the only times coke hasn't featured anywhere.
    There is a reason for that and it is that pepsi own exclusive rights at Planet Hollywood. as stated there.

    I type as I talk in real life,I am very sarcastic.That was a sarcastic comment.I know not everyone gets sarcasm,it is quite hard to convey over the internet too.
    It is the same for most instances though,they can't just do something without it leading to a million other questions,which is what I mean about it being predictable.

    As for your Second question,this is one of the youtube vids 'KenRolling' uploaded of the show.There are 5parts in total.If you click on his channel you can see his join date,etc.
    I just think it is very strange one,because the 25th June is significant and two because in 2years it is the only think he has managed to upload-and it's a tribute to Michael Jackson.Those two things are connected forever.

    I just found it really weird that of all the dates in the whole year,he joined on the 25thJune.
    Might be nothing in it,he might be a regular guy and it's coinsidence,but one thing I have learnt through this hoax and being a believer is that not everything can be a coinsidence....

    I have asked Mr Rolling myself why on earth,if your going to be the only guy filming this entire show(so it would appear as no one else has uploaded 5videos of the show??)would you stand as far back as possible and it be blurry?As we know there were seats available at the front,we have a witness to them trying to fill them up,so why not go and get the opportunity to make a really good high quality video of the show you paid to go see??Most people try to get to the front.It looks full on that video and the room looks bigger than it actually is.It looks to me like he is standing in a private box or on a balcony.
    I am waiting on a reply from him.
    As I said it seems strange to me that more people haven't uploaded footage,not even an iphone/phone/camera recording and there are commented under that video from other people saying the same thing...that they can't believe there is not another recording of it.
    So,i'm not the only one.

    Does this answer your questions Bec?
    They are just points I personally have picked up on.

    Sinderella xo

    Sinderella - thank you so much for your observations! I must have missed something because I didn't know you are in the music and entertainment industry. I'm sure if anyone can spot some oddities in all of this it would be someone in the industry, so thank you.

    You are very welcome,just sharing what I know from my own knowledge of the music ind and what I have picked up on from this Tribute/aftershow event footage.
    I am and have been for a few years.I just graduated with a degree in music and entertainment management so any questions i can help with is no problem =]
    I'll get back to the forum with anymore findings
    Sin xo
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Yes thank you Sinder. I'm calm. And sarcastic too. And thirdly, understand much more clearly now.

    Starting late is a sign to me. The memorial set off big red flags of doubt with the delay on live TV that lasted (what seemed like) now until eternity.

    Awesome,glad we're cool =]
    Tried to explain as much as possible.Quite hard in a comment though
    Sarcasm is my best friend haha!

    All those points are just a constant feature through out and this video/event is no different apart from the coca cola thing.
    The whole memorial is a big red flag and so is FL.Them being late was the cherry on top.Who is late to a funeral?really....SO DISRESPECTFUL!

    I am keeping to my point on the security and will try to get more info from my sourse for us ASAP.

    We are so more then cool, know it or not (shhh) you are my fav new poster as of late.

    And seems we have the same best friend so that makes us... ok nothing, nevermind. lol

    No one is late a funeral. That's who's late. No one.

    The whole YouTube account opened on 6/25/08 with nothing on it except JJ videos SMELLS ROTTEN FISHY.

    I still say taking those kids to that even either means Jermaine is a psychotic sociopath or hoax. No grey area there.

    And wouldn't it be the SHIT if that impersonator is MJ? Think Andy Kaufman there and I laugh and laugh and laugh.

    I personally find it funny as spit that JJ is getting all the attention while MJ is being flat out IGNORED. No wonder he looks uncomfy, he's SUPER not used to that <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Yes thank you Sinder. I'm calm. And sarcastic too. And thirdly, understand much more clearly now.

    Starting late is a sign to me. The memorial set off big red flags of doubt with the delay on live TV that lasted (what seemed like) now until eternity.

    Awesome,glad we're cool =]
    Tried to explain as much as possible.Quite hard in a comment though
    Sarcasm is my best friend haha!

    All those points are just a constant feature through out and this video/event is no different apart from the coca cola thing.
    The whole memorial is a big red flag and so is FL.Them being late was the cherry on top.Who is late to a funeral?really....SO DISRESPECTFUL!

    I am keeping to my point on the security and will try to get more info from my source for us ASAP.

    We are so more then cool, know it or not (shhh) you are my fav new poster as of late.

    And seems we have the same best friend so that makes us... ok nothing, nevermind. lol

    No one is late a funeral. That's who's late. No one.

    The whole YouTube account opened on 6/25/08 with nothing on it except JJ videos SMELLS ROTTEN FISHY.

    I still say taking those kids to that even either means Jermaine is a psychotic sociopath or hoax. No grey area there.

    And wouldn't it be the SHIT if that impersonator is MJ? Think Andy Kaufman there and I laugh and laugh and laugh.

    I personally find it funny as spit that JJ is getting all the attention while MJ is being flat out IGNORED. No wonder he looks uncomfy, he's SUPER not used to that <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Just realised I spelt *source wrong in my previous post woops.I am educated honestly..

    I didn't know that and I definitley won't tell anyone else..I do however feel honoured/pressured to write amazing comments from here on <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
    LOL I want a shirt saying when everything else fails...use sarcasm.I might look into that...

    I had a very tragic family loss in October 09,infact 1year ago today 10.10.09 my 17yr old cousin was killed in a car accident,he has the same initials as MJ as well weirdly,but his funeral came so soon after Michael's that it wasn't until I brought myself to watch the memorial service(I had a ticket and wristband but had to fly back to the UK on July i gave it to some kid with a fedora and glove on,on hollywood blvd..think I made his life??)that I was horrified as to how absurd it was.In no way was my cousin of Michael Jackson's stature..but for a 17yr old he had 500ppl at his funeral,those 500ppl...sobbed..and I mean..they cried...and cried...and cried.It was the saddest event of my life.
    How could you look at 1.your dad 2.your brother 3.your son 4.your friend 5MICHAEL JACKSON lying in a casket..and not be's outrageous.and NO ONE WAS LATE TO IT!!! point proven in my opinion.

    There is!I know it,and I am going to see if he replies to my question.
    Joining on the 25th June and only ever uploading 5 MJ tribute vids is too bizzare.I am going to be on Ken Rolling like peanut butter on Jelly..he has no hope.

    The tribute for one thing was a sham.Empty seats?starting late?non coordinated dance routines. It was then put on out of ALL the venues in planet Hollywood.
    Now,to me...I think of kids birthday parties when I think of PH..I don't know why..but I just don't take it seriously.It is a joke venue in itself.There were hundreds of other places to put it on and make it top notch in honour of a legend..but no...might as well of hired out chucky cheese and done a duet with a cheese slice...It was NOT MJ STYLE and therefore did not count as a successful tribute event.Sorry Jermaine...stick to putting hair gel on.

    It'd be hysterical.I am looking forward to the feedback on the security I have asked for.
    There was absolutley NO need to have 6+close protection people around that group.
    JJ was loving it.He must of felt like he was a superstar again....erm...
    I did say earlier on somewhere it was weird for someone to be allowed to be inbetween the security and their client and not be moved away.Jermaine doesn't even check who is standing behind him.I think if I needed 6+guards I'd be more wary who was standing within breathing distance of me....

    Jermaine:"Michael Jackson?never heard of picture?"
  • In addition Lane Lassiter wrotre on his myspace page : " Paris almost made me cry last nite she just stared into my eyes after Prince told here to look , it was kind of sad but sweet also "

    More info : <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I mean no disrespect, but even as I study the pic vs. the video I distinctly see differences between these two men wearing the red shirt. The video Mike clearly has collar bones the create that boney prominence at the bottom of the neck. Lane's close up pic doesn't, but almost gives the illusion of minor rolls.

    Also, I personally think that Prince made Paris look into the eyes of the video Michael
    because the eyes are the windows to the soul and clearly delineate one person from another. I feel, with all my heart, that Paris was looking into the eyes of her father and not Lane. However, Lane needs to maintain the illusion. Also, I don't think Paris' older brother would be cruel enough to tell her do something such as this without a good reason.

    That, of course, is my opinion. But my intuition is really telling me that the behavior here of the video Michael and that of the family, in general, is distinctly off.
  • OMG, i completely ignore my own thread because i thought most you guys were nuts believing michael was disguised as a impersonator. But now i do believe he was disguised as a impersonator' <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I thought this guy hands were black, right! i dont think so... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Look at his discoloration on his fingernails
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Just as I suspected and said previously haha ^^^
    There was a reason for the gloves and the fact the vid camera caught him wearing them and then to counteract that the photo taken,the other guy had non on to say hands are black, y'all are mistaken.HA
    I love when we're right.

    Good picture find Sprint <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • OMG, i completely ignore my own thread because i thought most you guys were nuts believing michael was disguised as a impersonator. But now i do believe he was disguised as a impersonator' <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I thought this guy hands were black, right! i dont think so... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Look at his discoloration on his fingernails

    Holy crap! WE need to enlarge that pic!! Anyone please??

    Great find!
  • no, thanked Missyb007 <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    OMG, i completely ignore my own thread because i thought most you guys were nuts believing michael was disguised as a impersonator. But now i do believe he was disguised as a impersonator' <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I thought this guy hands were black, right! i dont think so... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Look at his discoloration on his fingernails

    Holy crap! WE need to enlarge that pic!! Anyone please??

    Great find!

    Enlarged or is quite obvious that that hand...does not belong to the man in the picture with Jermaine.
    Cover up for a slip's a constant theme in this 'production' haha.

    Michael on the edge of danger and hanging out in Vegas as of 2k10.
  • OMG, i completely ignore my own thread because i thought most you guys were nuts believing michael was disguised as a impersonator. But now i do believe he was disguised as a impersonator' <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I thought this guy hands were black, right! i dont think so... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Look at his discoloration on his fingernails

    Holy crap! WE need to enlarge that pic!! Anyone please??

    Great find!

    Enlarged or is quite obvious that that hand...does not belong to the man in the picture with Jermaine.
    Cover up for a slip's a constant theme in this 'production' haha.

    Michael on the edge of danger and hanging out in Vegas as of 2k10.

    You're right. But if we can get a close-up of the hand and compare it with other pics...
    This is just insane. And larger than life, too <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Or should I say death?? Haha!!

  • It's not just the color, but even the shape of his thumb... <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> Long and flat, just like Mike's. Huh? Or is it just me?

  • It's not just the color, but even the shape of his thumb... <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> Long and flat, just like Mike's. Huh? Or is it just me?
    its Micheal's hand, everybody and their momma knows how michael hands looked like <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    The cat is out the glove....

  • I guess you could say.. we caught him black-handed <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    (ok not funny I'm sorry)

    lol his hand is black
  • Oh may, the impersonator from the video looks so much like Michael, not only physic even the fact he has make'up, but the body language, my god, the way he moves and bites his lip.....I really don't believe is the same person from the photo
    Ah but if he is our Michael, I don't like what I see in the video. I mean even he pretends to be an impersonator, I don't like the situation, even I understand what this implies. He is behind Jermain's back, ignored by all those people, fans etc. and Jermaine benefits from all that attention, photos, hugs, kisses <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I hope you understand what i mean to say. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Look, this could be a possibility. In this stage of the hoax Jermaine must "shine" in order to get a positive impulse to his career. Now Michael is not around (or he might be if the redshirtimpersonator IS him, I'm not sure yet), Jermaine can take the benefit to be in the spotlight <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Keep the faith.
    “Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.” - Kahlil Gibran
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Oh may, the impersonator from the video looks so much like Michael, not only physic even the fact he has make'up, but the body language, my god, the way he moves and bites his lip.....I really don't believe is the same person from the photo
    Ah but if he is our Michael, I don't like what I see in the video. I mean even he pretends to be an impersonator, I don't like the situation, even I understand what this implies. He is behind Jermain's back, ignored by all those people, fans etc. and Jermaine benefits from all that attention, photos, hugs, kisses <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I hope you understand what i mean to say. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Look, this could be a possibility. In this stage of the hoax Jermaine must "shine" in order to get a positive impulse to his career. Now Michael is not around (or he might be if the redshirtimpersonator IS him, I'm not sure yet), Jermaine can take the benefit to be in the spotlight <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Keep the faith.
    “Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.” - Kahlil Gibran

    I don't underatand what you're saying^^
    The hoax was never set up so Jermaine could ressurect his career and 'shine'.He did a terrible effort of paying tribute to Michael in Vegas.It wasn't MJ like at all.No glitz,glamour..nothing.Bad dancers,bad lighting, wasn't sold out,the crowd had to wait over an hour for it to start....Michael would not have approved of ANY of that.He is a perfectionist.
    I don't think he went off the radar of the world so Jermaine Jackson could come back on the scene and kill his songs in Las Vegas.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    It's not only Jermaine who's allowed to shine in this hoax. Michael is taking all manner of behind the scenes roles in his masterpiece. Hundreds of people are "shining" having their careers boosted by the hoax, and a lot of people are benefitting financially. If this impersonator is MJ, it is all an act, the nervousness and lip-biting. It's funny about the close-up of JJ and this guy (maybe not actually same guy), showing the black hand on the shoulder. Remember the pic of Lionel Richie with the 3 kids and how people were putting MJ instead, but the hands were still black. I'm positive MJ follows all the photo-shopping and stuff going on in major hoax sites. So easy to shop a hand in. For me now the 3 proofs: lots bodygaurds, kids there, and status of the video-taker found by Sinderella. So far... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    ha ha can u imagine....those ladies were right by him and did not know.......... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • ha ha can u imagine....those ladies were right by him and did not know.......... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    For me now the 3 proofs: lots bodygaurds, kids there, and status of the video-taker found by Sinderella. So far... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Still working on getting more out of that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I think, Lane Lassiter did not know what to do he looked lost, out of his depth and he did not know which way to go. To be fair if he had seen Michael's children you would be a bit strange. No one with a heart would dress like the kids dead father and parade around in front of them.
  • I think, Lane Lassiter did not know what to do he looked lost, out of his depth and he did not know which way to go. To be fair if he had seen Michael's children you would be a bit strange. No one with a heart would dress like the kids dead father and parade around in front of them.

    No one with a heart would take these kids somewhere they'd see a bunch of impersonators of their "dead" Dad. How sick is that of Jermaine? Unless, of course, the Dad isn't dead and is maybe even around, himself. That's what we're trying to figure out now.
    Lane Lassiter might have felt a bit uneasy being around the kids (he did Tweet about it after all, well..if that's not part of the hoax too) but the behaviour of the guy in the video doesn't add up with the pic where that guy seems confident and all. Also, like others pointed out, the bodyguards were behaving strange. So either way, the whole scene feels off to the guts.

    Btw, have we thought about WHY THERE WERE SO MANY IMPERSONATORS at the afterparty show??? What was the point?? Unless you wanna distract people from the real thing...Heh? Real thing meaning the REAL GUY??
    Just my thoughts...

    Love to all.
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