Jermaine Jackson After Party - Planet Hollywood October 2 20



  • I guess you could say.. we caught him black-handed <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    (ok not funny I'm sorry)

    Well, this picture is not Michael, definitely (the dark hands, the nails very clear, very loaded nose, thick neck ,...). We were deceived by an optical illusion in the video. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • In addition Lane Lassiter wrotre on his myspace page : " Paris almost made me cry last nite she just stared into my eyes after Prince told here to look , it was kind of sad but sweet also "

    More info : <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Poor kids..that's just so cruel <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Why would Jermaine want to make the kids have to go through this??
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I'm still not convinced that the guy standing behind Jermaine acting nervous is the same guy that's hugging him with the one dark hand. They look different to me.
  • seems to me the impersonater posing with jermaine at the end of this thing is actually wearing a plastic mask.

    btw does anyone else get the creeps over the stalker acting bleach blonde? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • whoever it is that was standing behind jermaine looked really sad.sad eyes just like Michael had sometimes.His whole body language was just wrong for some reason.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    this is weird,i watched the video on my friends f/book wall...and immediately thought just the same thing........he looks like the real micheal................then i came on here and see this...!!! and what if the photo was taken very cleverly of the other as to fool peole...we see the video...but the still phtotos could easily have been the other guy.........just a thought there guys.xxxxx
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    i put the vid on full screen....then clicked frame by frame...............i noticed the bodygaurd raise one eyebrow to another body gaurd.............details could use some enlargement stills here guys.......very
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Body language doesn't lie. Of course it was Michael they just had to back it all up with this impersonator. Love you more Michael, no worries.
    I'm being so self-confident on purpose... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I'm still not convinced that the guy standing behind Jermaine acting nervous is the same guy that's hugging him with the one dark hand. They look different to me.

    I agree.

    I'm watching it over and over trying to get a glimpse of the dudes hands.

    This is so strange!!
  • <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Seriously you guys, hes not michael
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Well, the situation sure is interesting. Let's keep watchin', lol.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Ok, I just have to say...

    The author of the book "Psudocide, Did MJ Fake his Death to Save His Life" VIPs at Katherine's event, now she's posing for pics with Jermaine at his event... and there are people who still doubt the hoax death?

    What more does anyone need?

    I mean really? Where in reality would this occur? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Ok, I just have to say...

    The author of the book "Psudocide, Did MJ Fake his Death to Save His Life" VIPs at Katherine's event, now she's posing for pics with Jermaine at his event... and there are people who still doubt the hoax death?

    What more does anyone need?

    I mean really? Where in reality would this occur? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Haha, great point.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    My own personal take on this video is this;
    Like all of you who have already commented,a few things first stand out
    1.he isn't with the others INFRONT of Jermaine...he is behind
    2.The guy is clearly super nervous...why..he gets on stage and pretends to be the greatest showman on earth..not an easy thing to do,so standing in a room at a party should be a piece of cake.
    3.He has gloves on.We all know about MJ's hands and fingers and how they give him away-discolouration of his nails etc-one shot of them..and it would be over.HOWEVER wearing gloves isn't strange if you are an impersonator because the man you are pretending to known for them!!What an awesome cover up..
    4.The guards seem to be flanking both of them and this 'MJ' is biting on his lip,checking around,fixing his hair,not looking at anyone,not getting in the picture....its a party man.....JOIN IN!oh wait you can''re meant to be in FL.oops!
    5.Jermaine pays him no attention,doesn't even look round to see if he is still stood there.
    6.Brando lookalike keeps clocking him every few seconds....Gotta look after your paycheck!! 1.05ish when the camera is turned to face the group getting thier pic taken...this guy moves completley out of shot...after Brando moves infront of him...sneaky sneaky
    "No pics from the front please...only from my right..thank you ..."

    The guy in that picture is in no way the same one from that video.He has the confidence to 1.think he can call himself an MJ lookalike..shocking make up dude..really..
    2.get his picture with Jermaine
    3.Taking his glove off for a photo but leaving them on at the party?why..oh because showing us a black hand there means we didnt see in the video what we think we saw when comparing both..we're wrong..this guy is black.

    YEAH OK.
    *not sure if it is Brando but bloody looks a lot like him so for now..he is called..Brando lol*
  • this person makes me think of a woman. i don't see miko (brando). the bodygaurds almost seem like they are set for something to happen relating to jermaine. i realize it is their job to guard him but the guys around michael even when he had the kids never hung that close unless there we a lot of people around. and why might jermaine be reaching into and adjusting something in his pocket? i will be waiting all bundled up in my nice comfy jacket <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    One of the close protection-in the black jacket and white shirt looks like Miko Brando a i'm calling him that for now.Easier than typing out his clothing for
  • Red_RoseRed_Rose Posts: 223
    Oh may, the impersonator from the video looks so much like Michael, not only physic even the fact he has make'up, but the body language, my god, the way he moves and bites his lip.....I really don't believe is the same person from the photo
    Ah but if he is our Michael, I don't like what I see in the video. I mean even he pretends to be an impersonator, I don't like the situation, even I understand what this implies. He is behind Jermain's back, ignored by all those people, fans etc. and Jermaine benefits from all that attention, photos, hugs, kisses <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I hope you understand what i mean to say. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • To me there are 3 things that made me think of Michael

    around 0:30 on the first video, you can see him look at the video with a "bored/sad" look, then make a big sigh, touch his hair and bit his lips.

    It's exactly Michael when not comfortable. I agree the guy we see on pictures is completly not him, and i checked his pictures on his site, this dude really exist. But if he can so much copy Michael's body language...

    This is pretty weird...

    If i had a poitn to give to confirm it's NOT Michael : i saw all the pictures ofthis man and i was pretty scare of his attitude : make up, surgery, doing this for YEARS...i mean, this guy maybe completly gets himself into Michael and this would be pretty scary.

    But this guy is about performing for YEARS, he shouldn't be nervous, and should just be playing his role. How could he behave like this...

    Sinderella, i noticed that the guy with white suit tell him to move, and he doesn't and that he remains behind Jermaine, between the bodyguards. Bodyguard on the right of him keeps looking at him.
  • One of the close protection-in the black jacket and white shirt looks like Miko Brando a i'm calling him that for now.Easier than typing out his clothing for

    speaking of miko . long time no see <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    INDEED!!!^^^^ he is hanging out with DD me thinks haha

    WYHS-there is no way though that two close protection guards would allow a random guy,even a MJ lookalike to remain INFRONT of them.He wouldn't be asked to move..and just left...
    As you know I know some of MJ's close protection UK team and trust me...they were more than close when he was over in the UK.
    Although this is Jermaine and not as big of a star as his lickle brother...he is still a jackson,and at an open space event...they would not let someone stand between them and their client.They are ex military and people you don't wanna piss off.They are trained to take bullets for these people that is their job.You don't get asked to move out the ARE moved.

    It isn't protocol and it wouldn't happen.
  • Not to be a party pooper but that isn't Michael. It is the same look-a-like in both videos and the photograph.
    His neck is too short to be Michael, his face is too wide and his nose, lips, eyebrows etc are not right.
    Sorry guys. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

  • Not to be a party pooper but that isn't Michael. It is the same look-a-like in both videos and the photograph.
    His neck is too short to be Michael, his face is too wide and his nose, lips, eyebrows etc are not right.
    Sorry guys. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    The crazy thought of it all, is that it could be : MJ disguised as an impersonator, disguised as MJ <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Not to be a party pooper but that isn't Michael. It is the same look-a-like in both videos and the photograph.
    His neck is too short to be Michael, his face is too wide and his nose, lips, eyebrows etc are not right.
    Sorry guys. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    The crazy thought of it all, is that it could be : MJ disguised as an impersonator, disguised as MJ <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Pretending to pretend to be himself... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I totally see what you're saying Serenity. I'm having a hard time confirming that the person in the video and the person in the picture with Jermaine is the same person. I know it's supposed to be the same person, but I still feel there's a chance that it's not. I don't think we get a clear enough shot of him to tell. They certainly appear to be the same, but IF Mike were going to disguise himself as a person disguised as...himself, lol, the point would be to confuse people and he would probably choose a particular impersonator and try and look the same as that person. And for them to both be at the event would be ideal, along with all the other impersonators.

    I don't know. Very far out, I know. But if he can disguise himself as Dave Dave then I don't think this would be completely impossible. I can agree though that the person in the photo with Jermaine is not MJ.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Whether it is or isn't....most likey the is still bizzare behaviour from everyone in that video.
  • Whether it is or isn't....most likey the is still bizzare behaviour from everyone in that video.


    Maybe he was really trying to channel MJ in his behavior as apart of his getup, but... that would seem really strange and disrespectful.

    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
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