Jermaine Jackson After Party - Planet Hollywood October 2 20



  • ni-co-leni-co-le Posts: 535
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> i also thought wow !! this is him in disquise of himself <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> he does look shy or lost here on the video ,and i do think the guy at the picture is somebody else ,and the brown hand is fake or fotoshopped <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    i know i should take my medicine and put on my straightjacket <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    and why isnt he standing together with the other impersonators ???
  • I just have to say this as I find it rather peculiar. I realize that there are MJ impersonators here with Jermaine at his after party at Planet Hollywood. However, does anything at all look suspicious to any of you??????

    This is what looks peculiar to me: Observe the Michael wearing the red shirt under the black suit coat. Yes, the one you see first at the very beginning of the video. Yes, he is standing behind Jermaine....and continues to stay there, coincidentally being flanked by the body guards for Jermaine. Watch him closely, watch his body language. He appears nervous. Why???? Plus, he is not standing with the other impersonators. To me, this is out of place.....and not in keeping with the behavior of the other impersonators who clearly are composed and appear to enjoy the attention.

    I may be wrong....but ya know, I may be right?!?!?!

    LOL You read my mind. Here were my thoughts. " Look at that impersonator... his body language is very odd. He's kind of Michaelish and very nervous and jittery. Hey, I wonder if MJ would ever disguise himself as an impersonator... you know put his makeup on slightly different than he usually does... so people just assume he's another impersonator. You know, it's rumored Charlie Chaplin entered himself into a Charlie Chaplin look alike contest and lost so stranger things have happened. Should I say something.... nah! " <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    You read my mind also. I immediately was drawn to the "red shirt"
    guy and thought...that could be MICHAEL for real. The way he stands, moves,
    acts. All like Michael. The mannerisms are spot on. He does appear nervous. The lip licking is a giveaway. Michael has done that before. Looking around left and right as well
    seeming quite uneasy. I could not take my eyes off him. No other "look alike" has done that to me EVER.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Not to be a party pooper but that isn't Michael. It is the same look-a-like in both videos and the photograph.
    His neck is too short to be Michael, his face is too wide and his nose, lips, eyebrows etc are not right.
    Sorry guys. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I always believed that this man was the "peter" from the chat.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Whether it is or isn't....most likey the is still bizzare behaviour from everyone in that video.


    Maybe he was really trying to channel MJ in his behavior as apart of his getup, but... that would seem really strange and disrespectful.

    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    He is a good look alike.

  • He is nervous or better stressed. One can understand it from first sight. I can only understand it if he is Michael and is afraid he may be recognised. He doesn't even answer only nods with his head, when the man in white tells him to leave and I think he tells him to go with the other impersonators instead of hiding because he is obviously HIDING so that he won't be noticed.

    And I also don't think that the person in the photo is the same with the person in the video. They have different faces. The photo guy's face seems fake, like a mask while the other man's face looks more real, more human. Plus, when someone is impersonator in such event usually it is clear that he isn't the real person just like with the other impersonators in the video.

    I would also like to add that the other imersonators are set in early 90s like most Michael Jackson impersonators. The guy with the red shirt looks like a more recent Michael.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I think the close protection and security need closer attention paid to them regarding their behaviour.
    I am going to get someone i the watch this and give me some feedback on the winking and everything.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    To tell the truth, i dont think it's our Michael, neither in the video, nor, obviously, on the photo, i dont think he would run such a risk and appear in a public place where there are a lot of fans who could easily recognize him( i'm almost sure there might have been believers being alert and looking for clues)
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    We cannot go on whether a dudes neck is large or small or their nose is too big or little ect...., that would be so foolish. Come on, we all know about Michael's disguises and make up fascination and expertise. Michael can be anyone he wants to be. The only thing I think he could not fake is that he could not make himself shorter. But he could easily do tall.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    The only times Michael in disguise speaks is in total privacy with his inside people such as Murray thanks supporters, Casket guy (I'm convinced) and DD. Where he just shows up amongst non-inside people (much riskier), and hangs around for maybe a brief period without saying anything that we know of is Saw mask, green man, blond lady, and Mr. Magoo. This situation could work but it needs lots more close analysis to convince. I'm leaning towards it not being him, although the fact that his kids are at the event is definately a plus factor.
  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    we are definely giving to much attention to that impersonator...This time no Michael sighting <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I would like to know why no one else EVER has a camera or phone at any of these events.
    There is always like one person a bad sound....BAD quality
    I's 2010...every other person has an iphone or a Blackberry..apparently they run outta battery when it comes to recording important events like JJ's after show bash :/
    One person at that party had a tiny bit of cell juice left to capture some guy being strange,the close protection team winking and nodding to each other in sequence and btw..have y'all counted how many there are around that group....6+ when did Jermaine Jackson become so famous again he needed super security at an after show...i see no one getting mobbed there unless you wanna count that blonde woman who just wants to be on everyone.

    what the fuck ever.

    There is rarely 2 videos shot from the same event/time/sighting/etc to compare and analyse.Just like the 02 conference....lack of footage...just like the memorial...just like the funeral...and just like EVERY OTHER TIME.
    It is getting so predictable.Big event...everyone's talking about it...strange goings on pre show...starts late like everything else post 25June 09,is MJ there..isn't MJ there..could have been...trash can..pepsi....ONE CAMERA FILMING!

    Also,another random piece of info i discovered....
    The guy who seems to have been the only person filming the entire JJ Vegas show on the 2nd FROM THE BACK OF THE VENUE!!!!! and who has uploaded the vids to called 'KenRolling' he joined youtube on.......June 25th 2008 and the JJ vids are the only thing he has uploaded in those 2+years...
  • Sorry but the guy in red is Lane Lassiter ... check his website and you will find some photos of this event ...

    Oh My God, sorry but he is scary looking. You can see the white foundation on his face and neck, than you see his black hands. Nah. I am sorry but all these impersonators well never reach to Michaels looks and singing etc...
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I think that if MJ appeared in disguise at functions, he would more than likely re-appear as "Black", not white.

    Does that make any sense??

    Maybe his disguises are not obvious. He could be one of the coloured bodyguards that go with the children everywhere.....just a thought.

    No one would be suspicious of a black man with the children.

    Does anyone know who this person is ?
  • where does this picture comes from ?
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    where does this picture comes from ?

    He is always with the children when they are Hawaii. He is seen with them at the airport recently holding Blanket close to him, and holding his carry on luggage for him.. Notice the date?? 7/7

    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->
  • Count me in! To me, video Michael impersonator IS Michael. Let me qualify that -- IS TOTALLY Michael! Photograph Michael impersonator with Jermaine -- NOT Michael.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    ...strange goings on pre show...starts late like everything else post 25June 09,is MJ there..isn't MJ there..could have been...trash can..pepsi....ONE CAMERA FILMING!

    Wait, what'd I miss? Talk to me Sinder, what's this /strange/late/trash/pepsi chain of events you speak of?
    Also,another random piece of info i discovered....
    The guy who seems to have been the only person filming the entire JJ Vegas show on the 2nd FROM THE BACK OF THE VENUE!!!!! and who has uploaded the vids to called 'KenRolling' he joined youtube on.......June 25th 2008 and the JJ vids are the only thing he has uploaded in those 2+years...

    Yes very weird. What video is this? Show us!

    SINDER: links when you reference, please!
  • Ok, I just have to say...

    The author of the book "Psudocide, Did MJ Fake his Death to Save His Life" VIPs at Katherine's event, now she's posing for pics with Jermaine at his event... and there are people who still doubt the hoax death?

    What more does anyone need?

    I mean really? Where in reality would this occur? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Oh, it makes no sense, because she believes that Michael is dead! She just used a "device" ... I'm tired of this woman and this family, especially Jermaine. In a very "subtle", they have partnered to "reactivate" Jermaine in his "career" at the expense of Michael again. Please do not use your intelligence? Things are very clear to us and we will not see them? What is wrong here, always with the same people? Please, I'm not a fool to be manipulated! Something is not right here! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I've been watching that guy too lol!!! Wasn't he also in that golf cart as they rode around "Hawaii" or where-ever that was suppose to be. He even looked like he had buck teeth at one point in that golf cart. I was thinking Michael!!!
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    o.k. ...stop the vid at 0.17 seconds..................there is a mobile phone light or camera light...that he is see it also around 10 sec and 12
  • mac5kmac5k Posts: 338
    Stop the video at 2:38 ... who is the guy on the left side near the women <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    ...strange goings on pre show...starts late like everything else post 25June 09,is MJ there..isn't MJ there..could have been...trash can..pepsi....ONE CAMERA FILMING!

    Wait, what'd I miss? Talk to me Sinder, what's this /strange/late/trash/pepsi chain of events you speak of?
    Also,another random piece of info i discovered....
    The guy who seems to have been the only person filming the entire JJ Vegas show on the 2nd FROM THE BACK OF THE VENUE!!!!! and who has uploaded the vids to called 'KenRolling' he joined youtube on.......June 25th 2008 and the JJ vids are the only thing he has uploaded in those 2+years...

    Yes very weird. What video is this? Show us!

    SINDER: links when you reference, please!

    OK calm down.

    First question Answered:
    In the thread about Jermaines ACTUAL performance show on October 2nd 2010 by Dejavu
    a member of this forum-pepper I think commented how she had attended that night and it had started over an hour late,people were waiting around and there was no apology from anyone for making the crowd wait.I've never been to a live show in my entire life and it start over an hour late.I work in music and ent as some of you know,live music is a huge part of my life,there is ALWAYS an opening act incase anything happens-delays-transport problems-traffic-technical.
    My point was-and I was being sarcastic-that everything since Michael's 'death' that involves the Jacksons starts LATE. The memorial started late,the funeral started late at FL,the court prelim for Murray started late and this tribute to him...started late.
    I don't know if it has any significance it was just an observation.

    The trash can,is pictured directly in front view here;
    and I was reffering to the whole trash can theory in general...there is another one to add to it.There is a comment by 'Andrea'in Dejavu's thread about this,I think she pointed it out to start with.
    The strange events was in reference to the FRONT row seats not being a show...a tribute show non the less to Michael Jackson?The promoter had to get up and ask people to move forward as it was being filmed for pay per view-like most things in Vegas.I have never been to a show/or ran a show myself in the past where I have had to actually ask the audience to move forward so it looked fuller :/

    In regards to Pepsi,I did actually mean Coke.That was my typing mistake and I was generalising,it was just a summary/list of things that seem to pop up with every incident,event,new piece of information/footage.I did not mean there were coke signs everywhere at Jermaines event.The Jermaine tribute show was one of the only times coke hasn't featured anywhere.
    There is a reason for that and it is that pepsi own exclusive rights at Planet Hollywood. as stated there.

    I type as I talk in real life,I am very sarcastic.That was a sarcastic comment.I know not everyone gets sarcasm,it is quite hard to convey over the internet too.
    It is the same for most instances though,they can't just do something without it leading to a million other questions,which is what I mean about it being predictable.

    As for your Second question,this is one of the youtube vids 'KenRolling' uploaded of the show.There are 5parts in total.If you click on his channel you can see his join date,etc.
    I just think it is very strange one,because the 25th June is significant and two because in 2years it is the only think he has managed to upload-and it's a tribute to Michael Jackson.Those two things are connected forever.

    I just found it really weird that of all the dates in the whole year,he joined on the 25thJune.
    Might be nothing in it,he might be a regular guy and it's coinsidence,but one thing I have learnt through this hoax and being a believer is that not everything can be a coinsidence....

    I have asked Mr Rolling myself why on earth,if your going to be the only guy filming this entire show(so it would appear as no one else has uploaded 5videos of the show??)would you stand as far back as possible and it be blurry?As we know there were seats available at the front,we have a witness to them trying to fill them up,so why not go and get the opportunity to make a really good high quality video of the show you paid to go see??Most people try to get to the front.It looks full on that video and the room looks bigger than it actually is.It looks to me like he is standing in a private box or on a balcony.
    I am waiting on a reply from him.
    As I said it seems strange to me that more people haven't uploaded footage,not even an iphone/phone/camera recording and there are commented under that video from other people saying the same thing...that they can't believe there is not another recording of it.
    So,i'm not the only one.

    Does this answer your questions Bec?
    They are just points I personally have picked up on.

    Sinderella xo
  • ...strange goings on pre show...starts late like everything else post 25June 09,is MJ there..isn't MJ there..could have been...trash can..pepsi....ONE CAMERA FILMING!

    Wait, what'd I miss? Talk to me Sinder, what's this /strange/late/trash/pepsi chain of events you speak of?
    Also,another random piece of info i discovered....
    The guy who seems to have been the only person filming the entire JJ Vegas show on the 2nd FROM THE BACK OF THE VENUE!!!!! and who has uploaded the vids to called 'KenRolling' he joined youtube on.......June 25th 2008 and the JJ vids are the only thing he has uploaded in those 2+years...

    Yes very weird. What video is this? Show us!

    SINDER: links when you reference, please!

    OK calm down.

    First question Answered:
    In the thread about Jermaines ACTUAL performance show on October 2nd 2010 by Dejavu
    a member of this forum-pepper I think commented how she had attended that night and it had started over an hour late,people were waiting around and there was no apology from anyone for making the crowd wait.I've never been to a live show in my entire life and it start over an hour late.I work in music and ent as some of you know,live music is a huge part of my life,there is ALWAYS an opening act incase anything happens-delays-transport problems-traffic-technical.
    My point was-and I was being sarcastic-that everything since Michael's 'death' that involves the Jacksons starts LATE. The memorial started late,the funeral started late at FL,the court prelim for Murray started late and this tribute to him...started late.
    I don't know if it has any significance it was just an observation.

    The trash can,is pictured directly in front view here;
    and I was reffering to the whole trash can theory in general...there is another one to add to it.There is a comment by 'Andrea'in Dejavu's thread about this,I think she pointed it out to start with.
    The strange events was in reference to the FRONT row seats not being a show...a tribute show non the less to Michael Jackson?The promoter had to get up and ask people to move forward as it was being filmed for pay per view-like most things in Vegas.I have never been to a show/or ran a show myself in the past where I have had to actually ask the audience to move forward so it looked fuller :/

    In regards to Pepsi,I did actually mean Coke.That was my typing mistake and I was generalising,it was just a summary/list of things that seem to pop up with every incident,event,new piece of information/footage.I did not mean there were coke signs everywhere at Jermaines event.The Jermaine tribute show was one of the only times coke hasn't featured anywhere.
    There is a reason for that and it is that pepsi own exclusive rights at Planet Hollywood. as stated there.

    I type as I talk in real life,I am very sarcastic.That was a sarcastic comment.I know not everyone gets sarcasm,it is quite hard to convey over the internet too.
    It is the same for most instances though,they can't just do something without it leading to a million other questions,which is what I mean about it being predictable.

    As for your Second question,this is one of the youtube vids 'KenRolling' uploaded of the show.There are 5parts in total.If you click on his channel you can see his join date,etc.
    I just think it is very strange one,because the 25th June is significant and two because in 2years it is the only think he has managed to upload-and it's a tribute to Michael Jackson.Those two things are connected forever.

    I just found it really weird that of all the dates in the whole year,he joined on the 25thJune.
    Might be nothing in it,he might be a regular guy and it's coinsidence,but one thing I have learnt through this hoax and being a believer is that not everything can be a coinsidence....

    I have asked Mr Rolling myself why on earth,if your going to be the only guy filming this entire show(so it would appear as no one else has uploaded 5videos of the show??)would you stand as far back as possible and it be blurry?As we know there were seats available at the front,we have a witness to them trying to fill them up,so why not go and get the opportunity to make a really good high quality video of the show you paid to go see??Most people try to get to the front.It looks full on that video and the room looks bigger than it actually is.It looks to me like he is standing in a private box or on a balcony.
    I am waiting on a reply from him.
    As I said it seems strange to me that more people haven't uploaded footage,not even an iphone/phone/camera recording and there are commented under that video from other people saying the same thing...that they can't believe there is not another recording of it.
    So,i'm not the only one.

    Does this answer your questions Bec?
    They are just points I personally have picked up on.

    Sinderella xo

    Sinderella - thank you so much for your observations! I must have missed something because I didn't know you are in the music and entertainment industry. I'm sure if anyone can spot some oddities in all of this it would be someone in the industry, so thank you.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I've been watching that guy too lol!!! Wasn't he also in that golf cart as they rode around "Hawaii" or where-ever that was suppose to be. He even looked like he had buck teeth at one point in that golf cart. I was thinking Michael!!!

  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Yes thank you Sinder. I'm calm. And sarcastic too. And thirdly, understand much more clearly now.

    Starting late is a sign to me. The memorial set off big red flags of doubt with the delay on live TV that lasted (what seemed like) now until eternity.
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