Paris Jackson Twitter @ParisJackson



  • FelixFelix Posts: 29
    on 1349003279:
    <br />But back to topic:<br /><br />pariscloset.jpg<br /><br />In the closet....yeah right  :icon_albino: :icon_lol:<br />
    <br />Oh she didnt do that!  :th_bravo: She's so gorgeous with long hair.
  • was trending on yahoo yesterday about paris wig. so silly
  • Hey guys, I just wanted to bring something to your attention. We've discussed trolls/posers and people of that nature before. A woman named Madina was discussed in the past, but not thoroughly. Some stuff as been brought to my attention, and I feel like as a loyal member of Michael's Army of L.O.V.E that i'd share this with you.<br /><br />Madina has literally been was posing as MJ after his "death". She has been very nasty to beLIEvers also. And yet, she has been friends on twitter with Paris  and now in real life.<br /><br />I have been consistant in my position that we need to let MJ parent his kids and not be so judgemental. So this may seem hypercritical. Please know, if I didnt think this was really serious, I wouldnt bring this up. But this woman Madina, who had befriended Paris on twitter is a REAL threat to her.<br /><br />All I ask is for you to watch @ atleast the first video link that I'm posting. This YouTuber knows Madina well, and has put out this info in order to raise awareness in hopes that this will get to the Jacksons attention. Whether you believe the content of the vid is totally up to you. But I am asking for you guys to please watch it. <br /><br />PLEASE just watch at least the first vid (theres 3). I'm not asking I'm begging. MJ's kids are in danger and the Jackson are letting it happens.<br /><br /> /><br /> /><br /> /><br />
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    on 1349366338:
    <br />PLEASE just watch at least the first vid (theres 3). I'm not asking I'm begging. MJ's kids are in danger and the Jackson are letting it happens.<br /><br /> /><br /> /><br /> /><br />
    <br /><br />Thanks for finding and sharing this information. Interesting... even if there is no real danger it's something Paris should be aware of. Passing it along.
  • on 1349370132:
    <br />
    on 1349366338:
    <br />PLEASE just watch at least the first vid (theres 3). I'm not asking I'm begging. MJ's kids are in danger and the Jackson are letting it happens.<br /><br /> /><br /> /><br /> /><br />
    <br /><br />Thanks for finding and sharing this information. Interesting... even if there is no real danger it's something Paris should be aware of. Passing it along.<br />
    <br /><br />No real danger :Pulling_hair:........this is the problem. This is the reason why this woman has been able to impersonate MJ, duped his fans for YEARS, and ultimately weazel her way in to Paris's life. People dont take her serious. Paris was BORN a target. I feel sorry for her. Madina wants to be a reporter (watch vid 3) , a Diane Diamond. What this woman knows about Paris and the Jacksons is dangerous. She could expose secrets or personal information about Paris. We all know people will look at Madina, see that she was with Paris in real life, and they'll assume that everything she says about Paris is true. She could make up ANYTHING!!! And just cause theres evidence that they were real "friends", people will belive her. The same way the media treated  Michael (making up shit knowing people will believe them with out investigating the truth or source), they're going to do the same to Paris. Madina WILL be Paris's Diane Diamond. I feel sorry. <br /><br />So is her life in danger? Maybe not. But her privacy(her brother's too), innoncence, reputation, money (if Madina wants $$ to stay quiet) is all in danger.<br /><br />Please know I'm not trying to scold or lecture you :icon_razz: lol. I've just being hear stuff about Madina for over a year, and to see this come to a head (she deleted ALL her social media, a sign or fear & guilt (in my POV)) is really sad and frustrating.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Don't you think MJ is smarter then this?<br /><br />Don't you think MJ has everything under control?<br /><br />I suggest we let him handle it. He is the driver after all.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I haven't been able to watch those youtube videos yet because I'm at work but I tend to agree with bec even without having seen the videos.  <br /><br /><br />And how do we know that this stuff about Medina isn't just being made up by jealous "fans" who wish they were in Medina's place?  There's some irony there.
  • on 1349371954:
    <br />I haven't been able to watch those youtube videos yet because I'm at work but I tend to agree with bec even without having seen the videos.  <br /><br /><br />And how do we know that this stuff about Medina isn't just being made up by jealous "fans" who wish they were in Medina's place?  There's some irony there.<br />
    <br /><br />So you think the woman who made those vid are lying? Maybe I'm a sucker, but I felt that woman was honest and sincere. She, some one who claims to have known Madina personally for years, confirmed thing I that I've heard for a while. I literally could not believe what I was hearing. <br /><br />Why, if MJ knew about all this, would he let this woman in his HOME?? Lets not act like MJ wasnt  naive in his own right. Yes, he was a target, but he made it easy by being so naive at times. And I love and respect MJ, but I'm not in deniale either. Again, maybe I'm naive, watching these vids (and this just a judgement call), I believe her. She has evidence, literally thousands of e-mail, messages, death threats, posing as MJ etc from Madina. I'm anixous to see it, so I can confirm what I already know. I dont think his woman is a "jealous" fan. I think she's trying to help, and like I said before. This is the problem. The reason why Madina has been able to pose as MJ, dupe his fans and get into Paris's life. Cause people dont take her serious. I HOPE MJ has this under control, maybe he's the reason this has been rapidly snow-balling in recent weeks, in order to protect his daughter. But I'm not afraid to admit that I have my doubts....<br /><br />I've been saying this stuff about Madina for months, I'm not a jealous fan, I'm just deeply disturbed. But Paris isnt my child, so why should I care, right?
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    on 1349371518:
    <br />Don't you think MJ is smarter then this?<br /><br />Don't you think MJ has everything under control?<br /><br />I suggest we let him handle it. He is the driver after all.<br />
    <br /><br />I agree, in fact he - they may have known about this weeks ago or around the time she stayed with Paris to go to the Motley concert. <br />And we don't know who these girls are or how true all this is, but just in case more knowledge is power. I see TJ' has already received many tweets about it.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    One of the biggest lessons in this entire production has been don't believe everything you see or hear.<br /><br />You can trust and have faith in MJ.
  • on 1349371518:
    <br />Don't you think MJ is smarter then this?<br /><br />Don't you think MJ has everything under control?<br /><br />I suggest we let him handle it. He is the driver after all.<br />
    <br /><br />I agree, I've said many times that we need to let MJ parent his kids. But I dont mind sounding hypercritical either. This shit i've been researching that last couple of months, now with these videos being brought to my attention, it so disturbing to me that I dont mind looking like a hypercrite. And pray MJ has this under control, and I'm severely under estimating him. But you never know. At least I know I tried to do what I felt was right. Thats the best you can do, is try  :icon_razz:
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1349373043:
    <br />
    on 1349371954:
    <br />I haven't been able to watch those youtube videos yet because I'm at work but I tend to agree with bec even without having seen the videos.  <br /><br /><br />And how do we know that this stuff about Medina isn't just being made up by jealous "fans" who wish they were in Medina's place?  There's some irony there.<br />
    <br /><br />So you think the woman who made those vid are lying? Maybe I'm a sucker, but I felt that woman was honest and sincere. She, some one who claims to have known Madina personally for years, confirmed thing I that I've heard for a while. I literally could not believe what I was hearing. <br /><br />Why, if MJ knew about all this, would he let this woman in his HOME?? Lets not act like MJ wasnt  naive in his own right. Yes, he was a target, but he made it easy by being so naive at times. And I love and respect MJ, but I'm not in deniale either. Again, maybe I'm naive, watching these vids (and this just a judgement call), I believe her. She has evidence, literally thousands of e-mail, messages, death threats, posing as MJ etc from Madina. I'm anixous to see it, so I can confirm what I already know. I dont think his woman is a "jealous" fan. I think she's trying to help, and like I said before. This is the problem. The reason why Madina has been able to pose as MJ, dupe his fans and get into Paris's life. Cause people dont take her serious. I HOPE MJ has this under control, maybe he's the reason this has been rapidly snow-balling in recent weeks, in order to protect his daughter. But I'm not afraid to admit that I have my doubts....<br /><br />I've been saying this stuff about Madina for months, I'm not a jealous fan, I'm just deeply disturbed. But Paris isnt my child, so why should I care, right?<br />
    <br /><br />Like I said, I haven't seen the video yet but I will later when I can.  I wasn't saying YOU are a jealous fan and I understand your concern but you sort of answered your own question "Why, if MJ knew about all this, would he let this woman in his HOME?? " - if this chick was seriously bad news then chances are she wouldn't be anywhere near his daughter, especially if these rumors about Medina have been around for a long time. 
  • on 1349373288:
    <br />One of the biggest lessons in this entire production has been don't believe everything you see or hear.<br /><br />You can trust and have faith in MJ.<br />
    <br /><br />Hun, I completely agree. Dont believe EVERYTHING. That doesnt mean dont believe nothing at all. I have faith, love and admiration for MJ. But I have more trust in myself than anyone else. I thought really died. But after months of indepentant research, my opinion changed and I offically joined the hoax.<br /><br />I liked Madina at first. I thought it was sweet that she was defending Paris on twitter and trying to stop her posers. Now I realize that that was just a way to ease her way into her life. I have faith in MJ, but I have faith in my ability to critically think and form my own opinions too.
  • on 1349373631:
    <br />
    on 1349373043:
    <br />
    on 1349371954:
    <br />I haven't been able to watch those youtube videos yet because I'm at work but I tend to agree with bec even without having seen the videos.  <br /><br /><br />And how do we know that this stuff about Medina isn't just being made up by jealous "fans" who wish they were in Medina's place?  There's some irony there.<br />
    <br /><br />So you think the woman who made those vid are lying? Maybe I'm a sucker, but I felt that woman was honest and sincere. She, some one who claims to have known Madina personally for years, confirmed thing I that I've heard for a while. I literally could not believe what I was hearing. <br /><br />Why, if MJ knew about all this, would he let this woman in his HOME?? Lets not act like MJ wasnt  naive in his own right. Yes, he was a target, but he made it easy by being so naive at times. And I love and respect MJ, but I'm not in deniale either. Again, maybe I'm naive, watching these vids (and this just a judgement call), I believe her. She has evidence, literally thousands of e-mail, messages, death threats, posing as MJ etc from Madina. I'm anixous to see it, so I can confirm what I already know. I dont think his woman is a "jealous" fan. I think she's trying to help, and like I said before. This is the problem. The reason why Madina has been able to pose as MJ, dupe his fans and get into Paris's life. Cause people dont take her serious. I HOPE MJ has this under control, maybe he's the reason this has been rapidly snow-balling in recent weeks, in order to protect his daughter. But I'm not afraid to admit that I have my doubts....<br /><br />I've been saying this stuff about Madina for months, I'm not a jealous fan, I'm just deeply disturbed. But Paris isnt my child, so why should I care, right?<br />
    <br /><br />Like I said, I haven't seen the video yet but I will later when I can.  I wasn't saying YOU are a jealous fan and I understand your concern but you sort of answered your own question "Why, if MJ knew about all this, would he let this woman in his HOME?? " - if this chick was seriously bad news then chances are she wouldn't be anywhere near his daughter, especially if these rumors about Medina have been around for a long time. <br />
    <br /><br />Honey, I know that you werent singling me out has a jealous fan. I know that. But I didnt answer my own question, not at all Maybe I'm not giving MJ enough credit, and maybe some folks are giving him too much. I HOPE MJ is in control of this situation. But do I think it's possilbe he's completely oblivious to this, yes. Thats all I'm saying. I'm playing "devils advocate" here. I'm hoping for the best while acknowledging the worst.<br /><br />And please, when its a good time for you, check out the vids. If you still feel the same way after, I'll respect it 100%
  • MJ is alive, not dead. Therefore he will have an active parenting role. Which like any responsible parent would include being abreast and on top of what your child is doing online.<br /><br />I don't think we need to warn Paris about anything. Lets leave the parenting to MJ.<br /><br />She has many 'handlers' who are keeping an eye on her. So don't fret<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    on 1349373288:
    <br />One of the biggest lessons in this entire production has been don't believe everything you see or hear.<br /><br />You can trust and have faith in MJ.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Totally agree bec....this is the only true !!  0007.gif
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1349374314:
    <br />
    on 1349373631:
    <br />
    on 1349373043:
    <br />
    on 1349371954:
    <br />I haven't been able to watch those youtube videos yet because I'm at work but I tend to agree with bec even without having seen the videos.  <br /><br /><br />And how do we know that this stuff about Medina isn't just being made up by jealous "fans" who wish they were in Medina's place?  There's some irony there.<br />
    <br /><br />So you think the woman who made those vid are lying? Maybe I'm a sucker, but I felt that woman was honest and sincere. She, some one who claims to have known Madina personally for years, confirmed thing I that I've heard for a while. I literally could not believe what I was hearing. <br /><br />Why, if MJ knew about all this, would he let this woman in his HOME?? Lets not act like MJ wasnt  naive in his own right. Yes, he was a target, but he made it easy by being so naive at times. And I love and respect MJ, but I'm not in deniale either. Again, maybe I'm naive, watching these vids (and this just a judgement call), I believe her. She has evidence, literally thousands of e-mail, messages, death threats, posing as MJ etc from Madina. I'm anixous to see it, so I can confirm what I already know. I dont think his woman is a "jealous" fan. I think she's trying to help, and like I said before. This is the problem. The reason why Madina has been able to pose as MJ, dupe his fans and get into Paris's life. Cause people dont take her serious. I HOPE MJ has this under control, maybe he's the reason this has been rapidly snow-balling in recent weeks, in order to protect his daughter. But I'm not afraid to admit that I have my doubts....<br /><br />I've been saying this stuff about Madina for months, I'm not a jealous fan, I'm just deeply disturbed. But Paris isnt my child, so why should I care, right?<br />
    <br /><br />Like I said, I haven't seen the video yet but I will later when I can.  I wasn't saying YOU are a jealous fan and I understand your concern but you sort of answered your own question "Why, if MJ knew about all this, would he let this woman in his HOME?? " - if this chick was seriously bad news then chances are she wouldn't be anywhere near his daughter, especially if these rumors about Medina have been around for a long time. <br />
    <br /><br />Honey, I know that you werent singling me out has a jealous fan. I know that. But I didnt answer my own question, not at all Maybe I'm not giving MJ enough credit, and maybe some folks are giving him too much. I HOPE MJ is in control of this situation. But do I think it's possilbe he's completely oblivious to this, yes. Thats all I'm saying. I'm playing "devils advocate" here. I'm hoping for the best while acknowledging the worst.<br /><br />And please, when its a good time for you, check out the vids. If you still feel the same way after, I'll respect it 100%<br />
    <br /><br />I watched over half of the first video (she kept repeating herself over and over which made me click it off) and my opinion hasn't changed. 
  • Thank you for sharing this with us. I appreciate that you are so concerned for the welfare of Michael's children, particularly Paris. That is really considerate and caring of you.<br /><br />We are in a tough position because we really don't know what is happening. But, we do know that many seem to be raising awareness to TJ on Twitter. I'm sure he's seen the tweets. We can't react to everything we see and we must remain calm and rational, which I know you are :)<br /><br />Laying that aside, I, too, have total faith that Michael is in control. In the event that he is not (which I doubt) I will keep the situation close in prayer and I will be watchful. But, I'm also reminded that we've been told by "whispers" to have faith and trust in Michael - that he has everything under control.<br /><br />I hope your heart is able to find some calmness in this storm. And thanks again for raising the awareness. Hugs to you.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    @LoveNeedsExpression: pardon if I do not think it is considerate and caring. I think it is nosy and over bearing. This is Mr. Jackson's daughter and she has a parent thank you very much. If you are "deeply disturbed" you are way too emotionally involved in the life of a complete stranger who has not requested your advice on the matter. In any case, the forum is not the place to critique the parenting of Michael Jackson's children. Period.
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1349395168:
    <br />
    on 1349373288:
    <br />One of the biggest lessons in this entire production has been don't believe everything you see or hear.<br /><br />You can trust and have faith in MJ.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Totally agree bec....this is the only true !!  0007.gif<br />
    <br />absolutely true words! MJ is the driver  :icon_razz:
  • on 1349413707:
    <br />@LoveNeedsExpression: pardon if I do not think it is considerate and caring. I think it is nosy and over bearing. This is Mr. Jackson's daughter and she has a parent thank you very much. If you are "deeply disturbed" you are way too emotionally involved in the life of a complete stranger who has not requested your advice on the matter. In any case, the forum is not the place to critique the parenting of Michael Jackson's children. Period.<br />
    <br /><br />@Bec, You don't have to be so mean and judge my intentions. I'm sorry that I worry about other people. I'm mean, God forgive me for having a heart. <br /><br />And you have a lot of nerve saying that I'm too involved in some ones life that I don't know. Look where you at?? A site about WHO?? A man you don't know either. <br /><br />Look back @ this forum. There people here that try to hunt down MJ "secret" children, actively look for Paris's boyfriend and Blanket's mother. And I'm the one who's too involved lol!!! Nice one!<br /><br />I rather be to involved with try to stop on line predators, than trying to find out Omer's real father.  Stopping predators from preying on children is a passion of mine. Not just MJ kids, I volunteer with a foundation that works to eliminate online threats for all kids.  So if you want to say I'm too involved, go a head. <br /><br />Michael can build hospitals, orphanages, donate millions of dollars to children funds, but I can't do my part? If I could build a hospital for sick kids, I would. But I can't. Devoting some of my time to end online bullying and stop online predators of all kind is apart of "that change" I made to give back to children. Not just MJ kids, but kids around the world. <br /><br />When MJ was dropping hundreds of millions of dollars to help kids, was he too involved?? I can't spend millions of dollars, but I can spend tons of my time to try and make a difference. <br /><br />The Anti-Cyberbullying foundation I volunteer with (they're NOT beLIEvers) thought it'd be a good idea to share this information with everyone. BOY was they wrong. So don't just blame for caring too much. I told them people here are only worried with MJ's "BAM" and trying to look for Blanket's mom. But they told me to put it out there anyways...<br /><br />SO! This is what happens when I try to "make that change". I'ma have "faith" in MJ, and hope he knows that I take his message to heart and I'm trying.  I just hope he understands that I can't make people care.  <br /><br />"No good deed goes unpunished"<br /> Period.
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    Sorry, did not see the videos but IMO, Paris is not alone, and she, her father or any family will know when is the limit, and stop it if necessary. I trust MJ.  :smiley-vault-misc-150:
  • AGREED!<br /><br />Me and my "up to no good" Anti-Cyber Bullying foundation will mind our business for now on! :) Despite my snark, I genuinely apologize for being a distraction. Mea Culpa.
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    on 1349435193:
    <br />AGREED!<br /><br />Me and my "up to no good" Anti-Cyber Bullying foundation will mind our business for now on! :) Despite my snark, I genuinely apologize for being a distraction. Mea Culpa.<br />
    <br /><br />LoveNeedsExpression not feel attacked or offended, just express our opinions, really glad you take an initiative to protect children on the Internet, that if it is good! with love<br />
  • on 1349432154:
    <br /><br />Look back @ this forum. There people here that try to hunt down MJ "secret" children, actively look for Paris's boyfriend and Blanket's mother. And I'm the one who's too involved lol!!! Nice one!<br /><br />
    <br /><br />I agree. The above is disgusting and I am glad the mods knock it on the head every time it rears its ugly head.<br /><br />Don't take things to heart loveneedsexpression. There is no doubt that your concern came from a good place.<br /><br />Trust in MJ - it will work out  :icon_e_smile:
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