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  • alivealive Posts: 369
    what's happening??? Did he go out the back??? If so why didn't tmz have all doors covered???
  • LSKLSK Posts: 97
    WTH's wrong with me??? I just don't feel it!!! I think its fake!!!! Why??? When all logic says it's not????

    Me too, I can't figure out why though. It all looks real but something just doesn't feel right.
  • alivealive Posts: 369
    Apparently according to his Murray's lawyer, Murray has been visiting Michael for the last 8 months, or at least since he was burried, so why the pictures only just released... set up!

    I don't buy it...if you watch the video of it looks like he has no idea where to go...he wanders to the doors and then to the bench then up again and back on the bench...LOL
  • Solid121Solid121 Posts: 292
    TMZ are showing a white trash can... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • alivealive Posts: 369
    OMG LOL <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • If this is fake and we hoax believers are having doubts then it shows how programmed we all are to believe what we see and hear, just because it's on tv.
  • TMZ are showing a white trash can... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    LOL! I know. Where's Murray? And everyone else too? It's quieter. Is TMZ the only one over there....seeing if the trash can will move?? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • If this is fake and we hoax believers are having doubts then it shows how programmed we all are to believe what we see and hear, just because it's on tv.

    Does anyone see the extended view of the garbage can that TMZ is showing????
  • Solid121Solid121 Posts: 292
    I think Murray's gone and TMZ missed him, the cop is taking away the caution tape cordon
  • Poor TMZ camera man. Lol. Or the others who are off in the other direction. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • LaLove09LaLove09 Posts: 120
    TMZ are showing a white trash can... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Yeah, what the hell is up with TMZ and trash cans???? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> And I don't hear the other paps in the bcakground now. Did I miss something? Is TMZ the only ones left?
  • Well that was rough...I was shaken, especially when the coroner's report came up.

    Don't know if you all caught this, but I'm thinking about a tweet from ALLJACK5ONS a few days ago...

    "it's important to raise our followers so we can share truths to fans over the coming months of media madness. that is very important to us." 7:29 PM Feb 6th from web

    There still may be more to what's going on than meets the eye.

  • alivealive Posts: 369
    If this is fake and we hoax believers are having doubts then it shows how programmed we all are to believe what we see and hear, just because it's on tv.

    That's whats weird for me...I expected to have doubts, be upset etc...but it's totally the opposite...I feel it's fake...there's no feeling of truth for me whatsoever and it's scaring me a bit cause I know logically I should conclude it's over that he's really dead but my gut says something way different to me and I have learned to trust that gut instinct instilled inside.
  • cabnzcabnz Posts: 4
    Maybe trash cans means that this was all rubbish ha ha
  • Well that was rough...I was shaken, especially when the coroner's report came up.

    Don't know if you all caught this, but I'm thinking about a tweet from ALLJACK5ONS a few days ago...

    "it's important to raise our followers so we can share truths to fans over the coming months of media madness. that is very important to us." 7:29 PM Feb 6th from web

    There still may be more to what's going on than meets the eye.


    EXACTLY. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • On TMZ the camera is covering the entrance/exit and within the shot is a trash bin. I wonder. Someone put something in the bin.
  • Ooohh!!!!! PLANTS!! Lol. Aww...I'm tired.

    Michael, I just have to say that I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! <3
  • voiceforthesilent, The camera did linger on the trash bin, didn't it.
  • Solid121Solid121 Posts: 292
    It's all over, Murrays gone and TMZ missed him <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • It's all over, Murrays gone and TMZ missed him <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    And now we're watching a plant grow...very slowly at that. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> It's okay. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Lol. Is our cameraman on the phone? Or just having a convo w/ someone near him?
  • alivealive Posts: 369
    OMG in coroner report it says clothing....NO

    He was naked in bed asleep? MJ!!! with doctor there? I don't think so!
  • If this is fake and we hoax believers are having doubts then it shows how programmed we all are to believe what we see and hear, just because it's on tv.

    That's whats weird for me...I expected to have doubts, be upset etc...but it's totally the opposite...I feel it's fake...there's no feeling of truth for me whatsoever and it's scaring me a bit cause I know logically I should conclude it's over that he's really dead but my gut says something way different to me and I have learned to trust that gut instinct instilled inside.

    You are right. I have snapped out of it. I havent eaten all day and I just wolfed down some food so now I feel better!! YAY!!!

    I love all you guys!!
  • AGAIN....I repeat why is TMZ the only one with all the reports FIRST???? The booking report, the coroners report, etc.... Come on people - chin UP!
  • Is it just me or is there no sound?????????? Just a sec ago I heard people talking... <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
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