Official back & Front thread



  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    Speaking of "BACK" I came across this article tonight:

    <!-- m --> ... octor.html<!-- m -->

    Scroll down to the comment-

    "This article has 1 comment

    look who is BACK

    By jesse p.. Posted September 12 2010 at 2:14 AM."

    Eeks yes it says jesse p.
    Jessie Presley? Is this what I'm seeing?
    If this has been posted I apologize, I could n't find it anywhere and it kinda fits here with the "BACK" part <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) --> Yes? <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    Speaking of "BACK" I came across this article tonight:

    <!-- m --> ... octor.html<!-- m -->

    Scroll down to the comment-
    3 comment <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> :

    The Truth will Prevail, Justice will be done. Just need to KEEP WATCHIN'...

    By Lisa.. Posted September 12 2010 at 9:07 PM.

    The post time 9+7=16 1+6=7 <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Wow thanks for sharing this with us.

    Look at who else posted a comment possibly:

    With all the ingredients ---- just let it simmer ---- the "pie" will one day be done ---- and in that moment -->
    our HIStory books will be updated.......

    KEEP WATCHIN'.......

    By S.T.U.D.Y... Posted September 13 2010 at 12:27 AM.

    If this is a true comment from TS, then wouldn't this mean that TS is BACK? Hmm...this is getting very interesting.

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    could be????
    let it simmer...
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I asked TS in a thread if he posted that comment: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=72&t=14115&p=235519#p235519<!-- l --> I guess we'll have to wait and see if we'll get an answer. Doesn't hurt.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    It's not a coincidence that we are finding all this now. We have been looking at back for a year.
  • I've just started reading this thread; and I must say it is the most interesting thing i've came across in a long time.

    I'm very interested to see what happens next...
  • Speaking of "BACK" I came across this article tonight:

    <!-- m --> ... octor.html<!-- m -->

    Scroll down to the comment-

    "This article has 1 comment

    look who is BACK

    By jesse p.. Posted September 12 2010 at 2:14 AM."

    Eeks yes it says jesse p.
    Jessie Presley? Is this what I'm seeing?
    If this has been posted I apologize, I could n't find it anywhere and it kinda fits here with the "BACK" part <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) --> Yes? <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    Speaking of "BACK" I came across this article tonight:

    <!-- m --> ... octor.html<!-- m -->

    Scroll down to the comment-
    3 comment <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> :

    The Truth will Prevail, Justice will be done. Just need to KEEP WATCHIN'...

    By Lisa.. Posted September 12 2010 at 9:07 PM.

    The post time 9+7=16 1+6=7 <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Wow thanks for sharing this with us.

    Look at who else posted a comment possibly:

    With all the ingredients ---- just let it simmer ---- the "pie" will one day be done ---- and in that moment -->
    our HIStory books will be updated.......

    KEEP WATCHIN'.......

    By S.T.U.D.Y... Posted September 13 2010 at 12:27 AM.

    If this is a true comment from TS, then wouldn't this mean that TS is BACK? Hmm...this is getting very interesting.

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    could be????
    let it simmer...
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I'm sorry but I don't think this has anything to do with BACK from MJJC. The posts are all recent and it's most likely just someone playing games.

    Of all the informers and clues BACK is the most interesting because he started posting 3 years ago. He's never asked for followers, he does not tweet, he has no facebook or myspace. He just posted the clues and vented whenever something bothered him.

    There were 4 numbers in his 7 day theory post. The quote from his post is below. I think the key to the hoax is in those numbers. I know MJ had a thing for 777. He wore it on his clothes a day before he faked his death and its a rumor that it was on the crown placed on his coffin at the burial. But I think he had a thing for numbers in general. Those 4 numbers mean something or BACK would not have posted them. I've put the quote from his post below. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    relapse...back @ Jun 25 2006, 11:54 Today, 10:06 PM.. 1+6=7
    62 ..76...813...21
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    I'm sorry but I don't think this has anything to do with BACK from MJJC. The posts are all recent and it's most likely just someone playing games.

    Of all the informers and clues BACK is the most interesting because he started posting 3 years ago. He's never asked for followers, he does not tweet, he has no facebook or myspace. He just posted the clues and vented whenever something bothered him.

    There were 4 numbers in his 7 day theory post. The quote from his post is below. I think the key to the hoax is in those numbers. I know MJ had a thing for 777. He wore it on his clothes a day before he faked his death and its a rumor that it was on the crown placed on his coffin at the burial. But I think he had a thing for numbers in general. Those 4 numbers mean something or BACK would not have posted them. I've put the quote from his post below. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    relapse...back @ Jun 25 2006, 11:54 Today, 10:06 PM.. 1+6=7
    62 ..76...813...21

    I agree...I think someone is playing games.....
    As far as the numbers go....
    the 62 is the year (2006)
    the 76 is the day (2+5) and the month (June is 6th month)

    add the #'s of 62 to get 8
    add the numbers of 76 to get 13
    put them together 813....which when you add them together 13+8) you get 21 (which is three 7's)

    So...I have been trying to see if this works with his death...June 25, 2009...
    the numbers would 92.....76....1113.....24? It doesn't seem to work with his death date.
    Unless I am doing something wrong. I thought he had more to his post about using the times in his posts as well.
  • I'm sorry but I don't think this has anything to do with BACK from MJJC. The posts are all recent and it's most likely just someone playing games.

    Of all the informers and clues BACK is the most interesting because he started posting 3 years ago. He's never asked for followers, he does not tweet, he has no facebook or myspace. He just posted the clues and vented whenever something bothered him.

    There were 4 numbers in his 7 day theory post. The quote from his post is below. I think the key to the hoax is in those numbers. I know MJ had a thing for 777. He wore it on his clothes a day before he faked his death and its a rumor that it was on the crown placed on his coffin at the burial. But I think he had a thing for numbers in general. Those 4 numbers mean something or BACK would not have posted them. I've put the quote from his post below. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    relapse...back @ Jun 25 2006, 11:54 Today, 10:06 PM.. 1+6=7
    62 ..76...813...21

    I agree...I think someone is playing games.....
    As far as the numbers go....
    the 62 is the year (2006)
    the 76 is the day (2+5) and the month (June is 6th month)

    add the #'s of 62 to get 8
    add the numbers of 76 to get 13
    put them together 813....which when you add them together 13+8) you get 21 (which is three 7's)

    So...I have been trying to see if this works with his death...June 25, 2009...
    the numbers would 92.....76....1113.....24? It doesn't seem to work with his death date.
    Unless I am doing something wrong. I thought he had more to his post about using the times in his posts as well.
    Too good to be true so maybe someone is playing games.
    But let's just hope it could be true.
    As about those numbers - I think it's obvious they mean something important and I think you have something here <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> But look at the date Jun 25 2006 - can't be another coincidence, can it?!
    As about MJJC - I was not banned yet, but my posts are not displayed and it was a real saga till I managed to register. But I can feel I will be banned. Some people there know me as a believer and I can't expect anything good from them. It;s just a matter of time.
  • As about those numbers 62 76 813... Back is mentioning them in TWO posts, so I think he really wants to bring attention on them.

    Don't forget TMZ - right after June 25th - was the one who posted that article about Michael and the 7 digit coincidences.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    can't be a coincidence our best friend TMZ wanted to draw our attention on the day of the memorial to the 7 digit.

    can't be a coincidence Michael had 777 on his shirt.

    can't be a coincidence Back mentioned the Theory of Seven more times in his posts.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    There are three embedded (layered) 7s in this entry:
    With all the ingredients ---- just let it simmer ---- the "pie" will one day be done ---- and in that moment -->
    our HIStory books will be updated.......

    KEEP WATCHIN'.......

    By S.T.U.D.Y... Posted September 13 2010 at 12:27 AM.

    The fake would have to be someone who followed both back and TS. These are not casual observations so this is not a casual fake.

    So my opinion, it's either one of us faking being TS, or it is TS himself.
  • Bec you are right.
    One of us or TS.
    But I don't think one of us could do this.
  • Hm. It's possible TS and Back are connected, right? It has crossed my mind before. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> : <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: -->
  • As about those numbers 62 76 813... Back is mentioning them in TWO posts, so I think he really wants to bring attention on them.

    Don't forget TMZ - right after June 25th - was the one who posted that article about Michael and the 7 digit coincidences.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    can't be a coincidence our best friend TMZ wanted to draw our attention on the day of the memorial to the 7 digit.

    can't be a coincidence Michael had 777 on his shirt.

    can't be a coincidence Back mentioned the Theory of Seven more times in his posts.

    I agree. It just can't be a coincidence. I just hate that I'm not smart enough to understand the numbers enough to crack a code. There's got to be something to these particular numbers: 1+6= 7.. 62.. 76.. 813..21 and Back and TS are definitely important/pivotol. There are so many ways to distill the numbers and try and derive meaning or try and figure out if the right combination gives you a date that might signal a comeback or a "takeover" date but I just can't figure it out.

    I hold these numbers as key but I don't know what to do with them. What I'm also curious about is the Theory of Seven. This theory is biblical and refers to the coming of Christ.
    So, what would the NEW Theory of Seven be? How can we look at the Theory of Seven for clues to what the NEW Theory of Seven is?

    Whatever the NEW theory is, (and in one of Back's post he makes it explicit that he is focusing on the NEW theory of seven, it's something that he has created. What is he creating?

    <!-- m --> ... 20over.htm<!-- m -->

    The seven day theory or seven thousand years from creation theory
    by Don Koenig

    The seven day model of creation leads many to believe that there will be a millennial week of seven days (seven thousand years) from Adam until the end of the seventh millennial reign of Jesus Christ.

    The earth was created in six days according to the scripture. There are two places in scripture that say a day with the Lord is as a thousand years. Scripture also says that there still remains a day of rest for God's people. Further, we have been told that God rested on the seventh day and likewise He promised a day of rest for His people. This rest will occur under the rule of Jesus when He returns and sets up the promised kingdom on earth for one thousand years. We are told six times in Revelation that this reign on earth will last a thousand years. After the thousand years Jesus will offer up the kingdom to the Father and Satan will be released out of his prison to deceive the world one last time. Satan will then be cast into the Lake of Fire and a new heaven and earth without sin, death or the curse will be created for man to dwell in for eternity. The seven day theory is based on this thousand year week theory that has 7000 years from creation or from Adam until the eternal kingdom (some believers say 7000 years from creation and others say 7000 years from Adam).

    Are there any problems with this dating?
    Scholars have disagreement on the amount of time that passed since Adam and also on the date of the flood.
    Some are dogmatic about the dating from Adam using the Masoretic text of the Old Testament. By their count (using Bishop Usher's chronology), six thousand years from Adam would have occurred in 1996 AD because Bishop Usher has Jesus being born 4000 years from Adam in 4 BC. However, Bishop Usher may be wrong because other ancient texts say Terah was 145 when he died reference. Some scholars think the Masoretic text is in error. If this is true and Abram was actually born when Terah was 70 as Genesis 11:26 seems to imply Usher's dating would be off by 60 years.

    After not not seeing the millennium in 1996 AD, I am inclined to believe that Bishop Usher's dating is in error by 60 years due to the explanation given above. Therefore, It is my opinion that if the seven day theory is true, then the seventh day will begin until about 2057 AD (give or take a number of decades because scholars see text dating differences in the manuscripts and calendar problems). However, let's not not get overly dogmatic about this. Christian scholars disagree, some think only key people were named in the genealogies and think that Adam could have lived as long as 12,000 years ago.

    Some insist that the dating given in the Old Testament had generation gaps that were perfectly allowable in Hebrew writing. Some proof they use for this theory is the dating and genealogy given by the Jewish historian Josephus and the dating and genealogy given in the Septuagint (the Hebrew scriptures translated into Greek approximately 300 BC by seventy chosen Jewish tribal leaders). The Septuagint indicates Adam was created about 1,500 years before the date given by Bishop Usher. The Septuagint was actually translated 800 years earlier than the Masoretic text version of the Hebrew scriptures from which we get the Old Testament. The Septuagint is a good translation into Greek of the way the seventy leaders understood the Hebrew texts in 300 BC so that should carry some weight since they were much closer to the language at that time. However, the Septuagint is a translation and exact translations are impossible. Ancient text scholars using ancient documents such as the "Dead Sea Scrolls" claim that the Masoretic text has some minor differences with more ancient Hebrew texts so their might be some possibility of minor error in the Masoretic text.

    It appears that the Septuagint was either quoted by Jesus or that He understood the Hebrew scriptures in much the same way as those who wrote the Septuagint. If creation was almost 1,500 years earlier than Usher's chronology as the Septuagint indicates.The early dating might be almost correct. Calendar changes might have occurred that introduced error. Earth upheavals and time abnormalities recorded in the scriptures might explain the differences in the records. The Septuagint writers might have had better understanding of the amount of time since creation from records no longer available to us. The Septuagint and Josephus have the flood several hundred years Bishop Usher's chronology. Other ancient texts put the flood hundreds of years earlier than either the Septuagint or Josephus. Perhaps we should put more weight on these ancient texts then on Usher's chronology or even by our own counting of the years using our incomplete understanding of God's dating system.

    Archeologists claim there are known facts of civilizations that make a 2300 BC world flood impossible because there are known civilizations that existed centuries earlier than that date. Thus, most scientists cannot believe the account given by some Bible fundamentalists that declare that Bible chronology indicates Adam was created about 6,000 years ago. If the flood was actually even only 500 years earlier than Bishop Usher's dating the valid arguments of the archeologists would vanish. Of course this early dating of the flood would impact a literal seven thousand years from creation theory. It is interesting that a wooden structure and artifacts was recently found at 13,000 feet on Mt. Ararat and it carbon dated at 4,800 years old. That would put the flood about 2790 BC.


    Even the heavens proclaim God's plan and timetable. A zodiac age is approximately 2,000 years.

    Some ancient calendars such as the Mayan indicate that this present age ends around 2013 AD.

    Jesus said He would be with His Church through the Holy Spirit until the end of the age (at which point He would come to take His Church to heaven). Jesus did not say "ages" although Jesus does speaks of an age to come in another passage. Thus, we know Jesus was talking about coming at the end of this present age - not some distant future one.

    Signs of the time
    Jesus was raised from the dead early on the third day. The spiritual body of Christ is also likely to be raised early on her third day. (A day is as a thousand years so the Church would be taken to heaven shortly after 2030 AD if one uses modern solar years or anytime after 2004 AD if one uses the 360 day biblical year)

    I do not believe we can be dogmatic about the seven day theory or the accuracy of ancient calendars but the theories and timing I present fit the scenario that most of the generation living today will see Bible prophecy fulfilled within their life span.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    Back should come and post here, I love reading his posts. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    There are three embedded (layered) 7s in this entry:
    With all the ingredients ---- just let it simmer ---- the "pie" will one day be done ---- and in that moment -->
    our HIStory books will be updated.......

    KEEP WATCHIN'.......

    By S.T.U.D.Y... Posted September 13 2010 at 12:27 AM.

    The fake would have to be someone who followed both back and TS. These are not casual observations so this is not a casual fake.

    So my opinion, it's either one of us faking being TS, or it is TS himself.

    Maybe TS is testing us <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • TS is testing us all the time. I'm sure he reads the forum right now <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Hi TS <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I wonder why Back choose to post only on mjjc, where the hoax is forbiden to talk about.
    Maybe he wants to give something to digest to the fans who think Michael is dead.
    Maybe he thinks we don't need it because we already believe.
  • Unlike with TS, I think we can agree Back is definetly a man <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    keep watchin'.......
  • <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2498<!-- l -->
    As we already know, MJ loves to leave clues in every possible form. That would include clothing worn. I know his favourite colour is red. LOOK CLOSELY AT THE RED SHIRT HE CHOSE TO WEAR DURING REHEARSALS. WHAT stands out to you????

    The LION KING with wings. The significance of this is in the biblical MEANINGS....
    We all talk about the 7's. Well in the bible (new testament), the no.7 in used constantly.

    NO: 7 MEANING " God had finished his work of creativity, was so pleased with what he had achieved, that on the 7th day, he took a break and rested"
    Don't need to say more on that.

    "The winged lion is an emblem of St. Mark the Evangelist because his gospel is the one which focuses on Christ's royalty and resurrection." It is also the symbol of Venice, the city under St. Mark's protection." Wings to fly...........
    "The crown is obvious"
    Is this shirt telling us that Mj has finished his performing life on stage, is now taking a long earned rest, until he will be ressurected???????????
  • There are three embedded (layered) 7s in this entry:
    With all the ingredients ---- just let it simmer ---- the "pie" will one day be done ---- and in that moment -->
    our HIStory books will be updated.......

    KEEP WATCHIN'.......

    By S.T.U.D.Y... Posted September 13 2010 at 12:27 AM.

    The fake would have to be someone who followed both back and TS. These are not casual observations so this is not a casual fake.

    So my opinion, it's either one of us faking being TS, or it is TS himself.

    Maybe TS is testing us <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I totally agree that the probably of fake versus genuine are the same - 0.5! and only TS through this site or Back through MJJC will be able to confirm the validity of the above comment. If I, for a minute, assume the comment to be legit, the implications are:
    - TS = S.T.U.D.Y = Back
    - Emphasis on duality again with Back being the legit Thread Started on MJJC and TS the legit thread starter on this Forum
    - The media is being watched and their time to make amend will come. (NOTW would certainly be on the target list? Trash paper)

    This Hoax really makes my head hurt at time! It is a full time "job" to keep track of its intricacies! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    <!-- m --><!-- m --> < very informative

    Its allready there in your face.

    You dont need illuminati to tell you how to see the light or the truth.
    But see it like a tool its there for us to understand it, and not hidden at all.
    Elite=enlightened=illuminati? Do we want to understand it or not?.
    It's even "spelled" out for us. So we have a choice.
    And are we scared about that?
    I don't know..we read our horoscope in the papers,playing tarotcards with torah/kabbalic symbolism. We use herbs to cure ourselves (witchcraft.. <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> aspirin is made out of willowbark)
    We make horns with our hands at rockconcerts. We stick out our middlefinger if we are pissed at someone ( wich is a phallic symbol)
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    And here we are with numerologystuff
    We fear what we don't understand...(true..true.. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> )
    And yet we see it everyday.
    Turn on the tv, read your paper, your pc etc.

    BTW ( and correct me if I'm wrong)

    Jesus the first member of the Illuminati?
    <!-- m --><!-- m --> See that?
    Illuminati is evil?
    Who told the painters to paint Jesus like that?
    The pope?
    Use your knowledge and power for the good. Goes for every religion..right?
    Maybe we can rewrite some history then.
    Now I'm going to listen to some rap <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Let your light shine..rtn58o.jpg
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    And for that in newsoftheworld.. TS jokes of them <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    And for that in newsoftheworld.. TS jokes of them <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    Never read crazy comments on tmz?
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891

    Back should come and post here, I love reading his posts. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    This was exactly what I was going to write <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Back should come to this forum. Should we invite him?
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    As about those numbers 62 76 813... Back is mentioning them in TWO posts, so I think he really wants to bring attention on them.

    Don't forget TMZ - right after June 25th - was the one who posted that article about Michael and the 7 digit coincidences.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    can't be a coincidence our best friend TMZ wanted to draw our attention on the day of the memorial to the 7 digit.

    can't be a coincidence Michael had 777 on his shirt.

    can't be a coincidence Back mentioned the Theory of Seven more times in his posts.

    I think he put those numbers by the date to help us see how he came up with them.....not sure how or what we are suppose to decipher using that method. And once we decipher them.....what are we suppose to do with that info? ( I understand how he got those numbers using the date....I just don't know what to do with that method now......) Does this make sense?

    Are we suppose to decipher the dates of TS's posts to come up with something? Are we suppose to decipher the dates of TMZ articles to come up with something? It's all so complex....and after teaching 4th graders all brain is fried! Anyone have any thoughts/suggestions as to what we can figure out?
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Its the tupac riddle.
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    Does anybody know when the last post was made by BACK on the other forum?
    I remember the screenshots of a lot of his past posts that were posted here.

    I agree Souza!! BACK should post here! Can you imagine?! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    You could darn well feel the frustration and outright anger in some of his posts. You know MJ felt that too, there is no way you can convince me he was immune to feelings like that. These feelings are in his music, the lyrics!!

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