Official back & Front thread



  • There were 4 numbers in his 7 day theory post. The quote from his post is below. I think the key to the hoax is in those numbers. I know MJ had a thing for 777. He wore it on his clothes a day before he faked his death and its a rumor that it was on the crown placed on his coffin at the burial.  But I think he had a thing for numbers in general. Those 4 numbers mean something or BACK would not have posted them. I've put the quote from his post below. Does anyone have any suggestions?<br /><br />relapse...back @ Jun 25 2006, 11:54 Today, 10:06 PM.. 1+6=7<br />62 ..76...813...21
    <br /><br />Those 4 numbers (among others) have haunted me (and kept me up many, many nights) for the past year!!!  I have spent more hours than I would ever admit to  <!-- s:oops: --> :oops: <!-- s:oops: --> trying to somehow 'plug' them in to the This Is It dvd (i've also tried it on a blu-ray copy).  I began trying these numbers after TS's redirect and post about Easter Eggs.  I have a gut feeling that This Is It does, in fact, have these hidden clips and it's a matter of 'cracking the code' in order to find them.  But it sure ain't easy...why would MJ make anything in this whole thing easy????  <!-- s:x --> :x <!-- s:x -->  My gut also tells me that between Back and TS's posts, we HAVE been given the's just a matter of 'connecting the dots' to find them.<br /><br />Here's a recap of TS's post about the Easter Eggs.  Could someone please scoot over and make room for me in their padded cell?  <!-- s:oops: --> :oops: <!-- s:oops: -->  <!-- s:| --> :| <!-- s:| --> <br /><br />R22. DVD Easter Eggs<br />{}<br /><br />Here again, this clue had more than one meaning. A fairly obvious one is that Easter relates to the resurrection theme of TII, especially the Thriller part. Does this mean that MJ will return next April, during the Easter season? Not necessarily. Then when can we expect the MJ return to public view? That’s what everyone wants to know, right?<br /><br />As he said at the end of the movie: I will come “in my own time”; it is up to him alone, and nobody else will be able to figure it out for sure. Some distinct possibilities include: 12-25-09 (Christmas), 12-31-09 (full moon & New Years Eve), 1-1-10 (New Years Day), 1-18-10 (MLK Day), 1-25-10 (seven months since the “death”, and same time as the DVD release), or beyond. Hopefully not beyond; but that may depend, to a certain extent, on whether MJ fans are ready for the return (understand the TIAI message, join the Army of L.O.V.E., etc).<br /><br />But what about the DVD Easter eggs, where does that fit in? Well, this is a term which refers to video clips on DVD’s that are hidden; and it takes a particular key sequence code to unlock each hidden clip. Many DVD Easter eggs are simple enough, that people discover the unlock code by random guessing; but the codes can be made so complex, that it is essentially impossible to discover by chance.<br /><br />If needed, MJ can use this to hide information about the hoax and purpose for the hoax, until the time is right to reveal it. Then, after millions already have the DVD in their homes, the unlock code could be given publicly; then everyone would have the information at the same time.<br /><br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
    <br /><br />I totally agree that  62...76.... 813....21 is some sort of "clue" the timing of the Hoax and may even be a code... This is what I have found to-date (I am having a number day!  <!-- s;) --> ;) <!-- s;) --> )<br /><br />My thoughts are that this "code" may be an indicator of Key dates in the hoax through the interpretation of the last number in the code itself.  Bear with me.....<br /> <br />We already know that 62... 76....813... 21 refers to the date of 25th June 2006 ( 2006: 62; 25th June: 76; 6+2=8, 7+6=13 ---> 813; 8+13=21)<br />We also know that the Hoax is full of numbers and were told by TS that 111, 333, 666, 777, 999, 1221, 1776, 1998 are all important MJ hoax numbers.<br />We also know that 888 is important to Elvis...<br /><br />Now if we look at a couple of dates we know of already, this is what we get:<br /><br />The first time this code was generated was 25/6/2006
    > last number 21=7+7+7 777 the NSDT is unofficially launched<br /><br />For the 25th June 2009 ----> 92...76....1113.....24
    > last number 24 = 8+8+8 888 Official start (Note: 888 in relation to Elvis, it is well a "unhappy number" in numerology)<br /><br />For the 7th September 2009 (Actual release date of the This is It poster, with 999 being referred to my TS as the resurrection)<br />
    > 92....79....1116.....27
    > last number is 27 = 9+9+9 999 Resurrection starts<br /><br />Now there are a number of dates between now and 2012 that would give us 21 777 (2 left this year, 6 next year and 9 or 10 in 2012 ----> those could be potential "BAM's date I guess if we assume that 777 is the BAM number and Victory... but this is an assumption I am making here, nothing more!<br /><br />It is interesting to see that the 25/06/2012 gives 32...56....513....18
    > last number = 6+6+6  666 or the number of the beast. (I can also not help thinking about the last TS update here --- Remember the word REwarD in the title? Well the word war is in there visible, it may have its meaning, I don't know!)<br /><br />Any other thoughts?<br /><br />With L.O.V.E
    <br />Wow  <!-- s:o --> :o <!-- s:o --> <br />TheRunningGirl you are a genius
  • Using the same logic 09.09.2010 (the day TMZ posted that article with Give me another chance) would give us:

    99 +12 =18+3=21/3=777 again

    Don't know why I have this feeling that many TMZ titles are only messages from Mr. Jackson.
    Maybe I saw too many movies <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    October 26, 2010 is a 777 day.

    12... 810...318... 21

    10/26/10 is the date named during the last Murray court date as a meeting between lawyers working the case and the judge, in conjunction with fluid samples, remember?
  • I would follow TMZ today because the date is 15.09.2010

    69 12 = 15 +12 = 27 = 999
    I think I am crazy already. Thank you TS <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • well, TMZ DID posted something today <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Maybe Mr. Jackson communicates with us through numbers. It's a code .......
    And the previous article was there for 7 days, just like TS' post about Elvis&MJ
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    well, TMZ DID posted something today <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Maybe Mr. Jackson communicates with us through numbers. It's a code .......
    And the previous article was there for 7 days, just like TS' post about Elvis&MJ

    the article is full of three 333333333333333 LOL
  • well, TMZ DID posted something today <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Maybe Mr. Jackson communicates with us through numbers. It's a code .......
    And the previous article was there for 7 days, just like TS' post about Elvis&MJ

    the article is full of three 333333333333333 LOL

    I think now we can see how right TS was. The use of numbers in this story is just brilliant, because we can see all these numbers having sense is not just coincidence.
    The most powerful proof it was all planned.

    I am AMAZED and happy. It's an adventure, a great adventure, thank you Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I also thought that these numbers could be a code don't worry you're not alone BeTheChange <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    When I read TS' post I understand that the code has to be given, meaning that it's not really possible to figure it out by ourselves. Maybe we just cannot find it on purpose, until the time is right...
    I absolutely agree.

    This "hoax" is embedded with CODE. This is a pre-determined and destined EVENT.

    GOD is ALL over this. This EVENT is blessed and we are blessed to be witness to the UNFOLDING of TRUTH.

    The mysteries unfold everyday for me, I learn something new about this world and Michael's LIFE.

    I am Blown Away at the abudance of info I have learned in the last 7 going on 8 months.

    The crackin the code on the numbers, I am like whoa! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    There is a BLUEPRINT already layed down for this to happen exactly the way it IS.

    "Captain EO is a 3-D film starring Michael Jackson and directed by Francis Ford Coppola (who came up with the name, "Captain Eo", (from the Greek, cf. "Eos", the Greek goddess of dawn)) that was shown at Disney theme parks from 1986 through the 1990s. The attraction returned to the Disney theme parks in 2010."
    I love the redemption in this. ^^^^^

    This Is how far back this BLUEPRINT was foretold.

    Michael's whole Captain EO movie is telling us very clearly:
    We are here to change the world.
    It is OUR mission.
    Your just another part of me.
    Way back he was already displaying the rainbow on his shirt.

    He is serious in this video.

    He already knew that we are all connected through space and time.
    We are all apart of him.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Greatly said Im_convincedmjalive! We are here to change the world! I really feel I'm driven here by God's will and as you say it so well truths are being told, The Truth is surfacing from everywhere until its peak! What awaits us is just amazing I am sure about it, the best is really yet to come. God bless you. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • well, TMZ DID posted something today <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Maybe Mr. Jackson communicates with us through numbers. It's a code .......
    And the previous article was there for 7 days, just like TS' post about Elvis&MJ

    the article is full of three 333333333333333 LOL

    I think now we can see how right TS was. The use of numbers in this story is just brilliant, because we can see all these numbers having sense is not just coincidence.
    The most powerful proof it was all planned.

    I am AMAZED and happy. It's an adventure, a great adventure, thank you Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> yes and the 333 are meant to flip the 666 into a 999! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> So clever!

    And one of the article posted by TMZ today is about Arnie Klein... I am not surprised that he is now being portrait as a "bad guy"... Remember this post from Back on the 9th November 2009?
    Calm thy nerves.......
    Arnie IS on the de-Klein
    He's desperate and scared sh*tless
    Because he knows it's just a matter of tImE.......

    Tables are meant to be turned!
    And lying backstabbers shall reap what they sow.

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    "Back" never ceases to amaze me, even the dots on the 1st, 4th and 7th lines have 7 dots each and there are 7 lines to the post (777-7)! It was an important post!

    Sometime I wonder whether "Back" is relaying real emotions and truthful statements (the reality of the Hoax) or playing a certain character to progress the hoax or doing a mixture of both? ... I do believe that those posts were meant to be found and that Back is Michael but the above question remains the same! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->


    P.S. Michael if my smilies tool box had a hug, I would send you a huge one to say Thank You for this Awakening... but it hasn't... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • I am shocked.


    76 62 ... 13 8 ....13+8=21/3=777


    76 92 ... 13 11 .... 13+11=24/3=888


    77 92 ... 14 11 .... 14+11=25 2+5=7 and we have three sevens again 777 <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    09.09.2009 has three obvious 9s 999 so doesn't need any calculations <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    TMZ published that post about Michael and the number 7 just to tell us to look deeper into numerology?!
  • well, TMZ DID posted something today <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Maybe Mr. Jackson communicates with us through numbers. It's a code .......
    And the previous article was there for 7 days, just like TS' post about Elvis&MJ

    the article is full of three 333333333333333 LOL

    I think now we can see how right TS was. The use of numbers in this story is just brilliant, because we can see all these numbers having sense is not just coincidence.
    The most powerful proof it was all planned.

    I am AMAZED and happy. It's an adventure, a great adventure, thank you Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> yes and the 333 are meant to flip the 666 into a 999! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> So clever!

    And one of the article posted by TMZ today is about Arnie Klein... I am not surprised that he is now being portrait as a "bad guy"... Remember this post from Back on the 9th November 2009?
    Calm thy nerves.......
    Arnie IS on the de-Klein
    He's desperate and scared sh*tless
    Because he knows it's just a matter of tImE.......

    Tables are meant to be turned!
    And lying backstabbers shall reap what they sow.

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    "Back" never ceases to amaze me, even the dots on the 1st, 4th and 7th lines have 7 dots each and there are 7 lines to the post (777-7)! It was an important post!

    Sometime I wonder whether "Back" is relaying real emotions and truthful statements (the reality of the Hoax) or playing a certain character to progress the hoax or doing a mixture of both? ... I do believe that those posts were meant to be found and that Back is Michael but the above question remains the same! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->


    P.S. Michael if my smilies tool box had a hug, I would send you a huge one to say Thank You for this Awakening... but it hasn't... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    With L.O.V.E
    WOW.....this becomes more and more exciting every day because we have confirmation, we can see preditictions from before 25.06.2009 coming true <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    If I believed Michael is alive -* it was more a feeling, but now I am almost 100% sure.

    I forgot: Hi Michael, love you more <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I love this post from Back posted on 30th May 2010
    Realize that works of FICTION have helped reshape perception of many historical FACTS. It doesn't take much effort to draw reasonable conclusions about obvious "slight of hands".
    Keep WATCHIN'......

    It is an interesting and very clever concept to create a work of fiction (such as a film) and use it to change people's perception of events/facts that have already happened and it is most probably what we are currently living through with the "Hoax". This is the live Thriller concept I believe, where fiction is used to open-up people's mind on different possibilities so that established beLIEfs on say the music industry, the media, Michael himself, change as people start to "digest" what they have "seen".

    I am wondering whether the intention is to convert more & more "non hoax believers" into "hoax believers" before BAMSDAY so that Millions of people will act as messengers when the day comes? This is however only likely if the "sleight of hands" become more and more obvious, I wonder, what will it take to awake people? This maybe where the Elvis is alive "proof" comes in, it will need to be BIG, I think.

    What do you think?

    With L.O.V.E
  • So this is sorta off topic but since we are playing with numbers, I thought maybe you guys can help me see if another person is connected to BACK. I am not sure if any of you guys know him but he was the webmaster of one of my favorite post-June 25th website, Michael Jackson Awakening Message. His site has the most LOVE that I've seen thus far with these informers. No offense to TS and others but it's true, IMHO. He called himself Mr. Dove and his most important mission was to bring love to the fans of Michael Jackson. He indicated that he was NOT MIchael Jackson but that and I'll quote: “I am the messenger with 7 clues, 7 messages and 7 missions to pass on for 7 weeks.” Here's the web address: <!-- m --><!-- m -->. You can think it's another troll but I really wouldn't discredit him like that if I were you. Read his blog thoroughly and you'll see the obvious message is LOVE. Now whether he is part of the hoax or not, I don't know but the message is beautiful and clear as day. Anyway, I'm introducing him to you because I just realized that he has sevens all throughout this, even with the date that it was published--November 30, 2009.

    11 + 30 + 2 + 9= 52 = 5+2=7
    11 + 3 + 11 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7
    1 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 9 = 16 = 1 + 6 =7
    2 + 30 + 11 = 43 = 4 + 3 = 7
    11 + 30 + 2009 = 2050 = 2 + 5 = 7
    11 + 30 + 29 = 70 = 7 + 0 =7

    Based on the numbers BACK gave us in a past post, could this date be significant to this whole journey? I find it amazing that I keep coming back to seven with all these different equations. BUT wait, I think I can do this with any date...let me check


    12 + 8 + 24 = 44 = 8
    12 + 8 + 2 + 4 = 26 = 8
    12 + 8 + 2004 = 2024 = 8
    1 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 4 = 17 = 8
    3 + 8 + 6 = 17 = 8


    6 + 29 + 2025 = 2060 = 8
    6 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 26 = 8
    6 + 29 + 225 = 260 = 8
    6 + 2 (11=1+1) + 9 = 17 = 8
    6 + 2 + 225 = 233 = 8

    Okay so I now know that each date equals to one definite number, no matter how you add it. Did anyone know this already? Am I just slow with my math or does anyone else find this fascinating? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I'm wondering if we broke down all the key dates, would the definite numbers be the same or a certain set.

    I know you guys are geniuses and can possibly help me out with this. Thanks in advance!
  • So I used the method I did in my last post and applied it to June 25, 2009 versus June 25, 2012. I think one of you guys discovered this through a different way. Anyway, here is what I found:


    6 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 9 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6
    6 + 25 + 2009 = 2040 = 2 + 4 = 6
    6 + 25 + 29 = 60 = 6


    6 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9
    6 + 25 + 2012 = 2043 = 2 + 4 + 3 = 9
    6 + 25 + 212 = 243 = 9

    So in 4 years time (inclusive counting) the 6 will turn into a 9. Sounds like something TS was talking about. This is so much fun and I feel so much like a geek but I love it. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    So I used the method I did in my last post and applied it to June 25, 2009 versus June 25, 2012. I think one of you guys discovered this through a different way. Anyway, here is what I found:


    6 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 9 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6
    6 + 25 + 2009 = 2040 = 2 + 4 = 6
    6 + 25 + 29 = 60 = 6


    6 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9
    6 + 25 + 2012 = 2043 = 2 + 4 + 3 = 9
    6 + 25 + 212 = 243 = 9

    So in 4 years time (inclusive counting) the 6 will turn into a 9. Sounds like something TS was talking about. This is so much fun and I feel so much like a geek but I love it. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Wow! This is pretty incredible! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Sorry this will be my last time with these numbers (I think). lol I just realized that Thriller came out the same day, November 30, 1982. Curious, I wondered if this date would equal to 7 as well. This is what I discovered:

    1 + 1 + 3 + 1+ 9 + 8 + 2 = 25 = 2 + 5 =7
    11 + 30 + 1982 = 2023 = 2 + 2 + 3 = 7
    11 + 30 + 19 + 82 = 142 = 1 + 4 + 2 = 7
    11 + 30 + 1 + 982 = 1024 =1 + 2 + 4 = 7
    11 + 30 + 198 + 2 = 241 =2 + 4 + 1 = 7

    It adds up to 7!
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Yeah this dates thing and code thing is really eating at me too. I did know each date adds up to the same number no matter how you do it already because Shikster turned us on to the 2040 thing last year:

    MJ-2040 from Scream and HIStory tour, Elvis tie-in, makes you figure Shikster knew about Elvis too. I know I had a huge Elvis/MJ pic comparison thread up on old MJHD, wonder if he planted the seed for me? I used to take all Shikster's little hints and run with them, research the crap out of it and then plaster it all over MJHD. Then it all got deleted. All our good stuff, the real deep, heavy, hard research, all gone.

    Shikster also turned us on to Barnum. Things that make you go hmm.

    You know. We knew all this stuff last fall. We really were there... and then the board burst into flames................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    A certain someone showed up and took over chat and the mods. Threw his weight around and before we knew it the whole place BURNED down (sound FAMILIAR???) and we were reduced to a bunch of fighting, arguing, nasty warring factions who couldn't get along and were more interested in snipering each other then working on the hoax, not that we had a data base to build on anyway............

    He chased off Shikster. Of all people for gods sake, by that time all he did was post poems. I know I snapped at Shik once because people were calling him Michael on the board and he never would correct them and it seemed evasive.

    MJHDConspiracy started at that time too.

    And then she who will not be named showed up out of no where and paraded around like she knew something, and with an attitude like that, she was perfect to incite anger and hate.

    And then .net stabbed Seeing Clues in the back and he/she/it quit hoaxing.

    etc etc etc. Some fishy fucking shadey shit is going on here, that's all I have to say.

    Anyone else thinking along the lines of what I'm thinking?
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Yeah this dates thing and code thing is really eating at me too. I did know each date adds up to the same number no matter how you do it already because Shikster turned us on to the 2040 thing last year:

    MJ-2040 from Scream and HIStory tour, Elvis tie-in, makes you figure Shikster knew about Elvis too. I know I had a huge Elvis/MJ pic comparison thread up on old MJHD, wonder if he planted the seed for me? I used to take all Shikster's little hints and run with them, research the crap out of it and then plaster it all over MJHD. Then it all got deleted. All our good stuff, the real deep, heavy, hard research, all gone.

    Shikster also turned us on to Barnum. Things that make you go hmm.

    You know. We knew all this stuff last fall. We really were there... and then the board burst into flames................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    A certain someone showed up and took over chat and the mods. Threw his weight around and before we knew it the whole place BURNED down (sound FAMILIAR???) and we were reduced to a bunch of fighting, arguing, nasty warring factions who couldn't get along and were more interested in snipering each other then working on the hoax, not that we had a data base to build on anyway............

    He chased off Shikster. Of all people for gods sake, by that time all he did was post poems. I know I snapped at Shik once because people were calling him Michael on the board and he never would correct them and it seemed evasive.

    MJHDConspiracy started at that time too.

    And then she who will not be named showed up out of no where and paraded around like she knew something, and with an attitude like that, she was perfect to incite anger and hate.

    And then .net stabbed Seeing Clues in the back and he/she/it quit hoaxing.

    etc etc etc. Some fishy fucking shadey shit is going on here, that's all I have to say.

    Anyone else thinking along the lines of what I'm thinking?
    I was so flakey on whether it was even a hoax then, and this may sound weird, but now I kind of wish I had been with y'all through all that and on the old board, researching..!
  • Yeah this dates thing and code thing is really eating at me too. I did know each date adds up to the same number no matter how you do it already because Shikster turned us on to the 2040 thing last year:

    MJ-2040 from Scream and HIStory tour, Elvis tie-in, makes you figure Shikster knew about Elvis too. I know I had a huge Elvis/MJ pic comparison thread up on old MJHD, wonder if he planted the seed for me? I used to take all Shikster's little hints and run with them, research the crap out of it and then plaster it all over MJHD. Then it all got deleted. All our good stuff, the real deep, heavy, hard research, all gone.

    Shikster also turned us on to Barnum. Things that make you go hmm.

    You know. We knew all this stuff last fall. We really were there... and then the board burst into flames................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    A certain someone showed up and took over chat and the mods. Threw his weight around and before we knew it the whole place BURNED down (sound FAMILIAR???) and we were reduced to a bunch of fighting, arguing, nasty warring factions who couldn't get along and were more interested in snipering each other then working on the hoax, not that we had a data base to build on anyway............

    He chased off Shikster. Of all people for gods sake, by that time all he did was post poems. I know I snapped at Shik once because people were calling him Michael on the board and he never would correct them and it seemed evasive.

    MJHDConspiracy started at that time too.

    And then she who will not be named showed up out of no where and paraded around like she knew something, and with an attitude like that, she was perfect to incite anger and hate.

    And then .net stabbed Seeing Clues in the back and he/she/it quit hoaxing.

    etc etc etc. Some fishy fucking shadey shit is going on here, that's all I have to say.

    Anyone else thinking along the lines of what I'm thinking?

    I'm totally with you. And thanks for reminding us about Shikster and all. I wasn't on these boards then but I hear drips and drabs about that "era" from time to time.
  • Yeah this dates thing and code thing is really eating at me too. I did know each date adds up to the same number no matter how you do it already because Shikster turned us on to the 2040 thing last year:

    MJ-2040 from Scream and HIStory tour, Elvis tie-in, makes you figure Shikster knew about Elvis too. I know I had a huge Elvis/MJ pic comparison thread up on old MJHD, wonder if he planted the seed for me? I used to take all Shikster's little hints and run with them, research the crap out of it and then plaster it all over MJHD. Then it all got deleted. All our good stuff, the real deep, heavy, hard research, all gone.

    Shikster also turned us on to Barnum. Things that make you go hmm.

    You know. We knew all this stuff last fall. We really were there... and then the board burst into flames................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    A certain someone showed up and took over chat and the mods. Threw his weight around and before we knew it the whole place BURNED down (sound FAMILIAR???) and we were reduced to a bunch of fighting, arguing, nasty warring factions who couldn't get along and were more interested in snipering each other then working on the hoax, not that we had a data base to build on anyway............

    He chased off Shikster. Of all people for gods sake, by that time all he did was post poems. I know I snapped at Shik once because people were calling him Michael on the board and he never would correct them and it seemed evasive.

    MJHDConspiracy started at that time too.

    And then she who will not be named showed up out of no where and paraded around like she knew something, and with an attitude like that, she was perfect to incite anger and hate.

    And then .net stabbed Seeing Clues in the back and he/she/it quit hoaxing.

    etc etc etc. Some fishy fucking shadey shit is going on here, that's all I have to say.

    Anyone else thinking along the lines of what I'm thinking?

    Yeah, I remember those days....Good <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Something is odd here, what is it, hmm, not quite sure.... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    Yeah this dates thing and code thing is really eating at me too. I did know each date adds up to the same number no matter how you do it already because Shikster turned us on to the 2040 thing last year:

    MJ-2040 from Scream and HIStory tour, Elvis tie-in, makes you figure Shikster knew about Elvis too. I know I had a huge Elvis/MJ pic comparison thread up on old MJHD, wonder if he planted the seed for me? I used to take all Shikster's little hints and run with them, research the crap out of it and then plaster it all over MJHD. Then it all got deleted. All our good stuff, the real deep, heavy, hard research, all gone.

    Shikster also turned us on to Barnum. Things that make you go hmm.

    You know. We knew all this stuff last fall. We really were there... and then the board burst into flames................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    A certain someone showed up and took over chat and the mods. Threw his weight around and before we knew it the whole place BURNED down (sound FAMILIAR???) and we were reduced to a bunch of fighting, arguing, nasty warring factions who couldn't get along and were more interested in snipering each other then working on the hoax, not that we had a data base to build on anyway............

    He chased off Shikster. Of all people for gods sake, by that time all he did was post poems. I know I snapped at Shik once because people were calling him Michael on the board and he never would correct them and it seemed evasive.

    MJHDConspiracy started at that time too.

    And then she who will not be named showed up out of no where and paraded around like she knew something, and with an attitude like that, she was perfect to incite anger and hate.

    And then .net stabbed Seeing Clues in the back and he/she/it quit hoaxing.

    etc etc etc. Some fishy fucking shadey shit is going on here, that's all I have to say.

    Anyone else thinking along the lines of what I'm thinking?

    Shikster? the one who post here?
  • Yeah this dates thing and code thing is really eating at me too. I did know each date adds up to the same number no matter how you do it already because Shikster turned us on to the 2040 thing last year:

    MJ-2040 from Scream and HIStory tour, Elvis tie-in, makes you figure Shikster knew about Elvis too. I know I had a huge Elvis/MJ pic comparison thread up on old MJHD, wonder if he planted the seed for me? I used to take all Shikster's little hints and run with them, research the crap out of it and then plaster it all over MJHD. Then it all got deleted. All our good stuff, the real deep, heavy, hard research, all gone.

    Shikster also turned us on to Barnum. Things that make you go hmm.

    You know. We knew all this stuff last fall. We really were there... and then the board burst into flames................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    A certain someone showed up and took over chat and the mods. Threw his weight around and before we knew it the whole place BURNED down (sound FAMILIAR???) and we were reduced to a bunch of fighting, arguing, nasty warring factions who couldn't get along and were more interested in snipering each other then working on the hoax, not that we had a data base to build on anyway............

    He chased off Shikster. Of all people for gods sake, by that time all he did was post poems. I know I snapped at Shik once because people were calling him Michael on the board and he never would correct them and it seemed evasive.

    MJHDConspiracy started at that time too.

    And then she who will not be named showed up out of no where and paraded around like she knew something, and with an attitude like that, she was perfect to incite anger and hate.

    And then .net stabbed Seeing Clues in the back and he/she/it quit hoaxing.

    etc etc etc. Some fishy fucking shadey shit is going on here, that's all I have to say.

    Anyone else thinking along the lines of what I'm thinking?

    Yeah, I remember those days....Good <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Something is odd here, what is it, hmm, not quite sure.... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    I remember clearly seeing this in-fighting from my outsider "location" and this kept me away from joining any hoax forums for a long time - Whilst some people were purely, genuinely and with integrity focussing on understanding what happened to Michael, others seemed to be driven by their own evil egos and desire to create their own space and make a name for themselves with total disregard for others, including Michael.
    Human nature I guess or maybe the Hoax theory was progressing too fast for "somebody's" liking and it had to be slowed down or even "killed" all together.

    What is important is that the GOOD prevails over the EVIL at the end; the Future looks much brighter now than it did 12 months ago..

    With L.O.V.E
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Yeah this dates thing and code thing is really eating at me too. I did know each date adds up to the same number no matter how you do it already because Shikster turned us on to the 2040 thing last year:

    MJ-2040 from Scream and HIStory tour, Elvis tie-in, makes you figure Shikster knew about Elvis too. I know I had a huge Elvis/MJ pic comparison thread up on old MJHD, wonder if he planted the seed for me? I used to take all Shikster's little hints and run with them, research the crap out of it and then plaster it all over MJHD. Then it all got deleted. All our good stuff, the real deep, heavy, hard research, all gone.

    Shikster also turned us on to Barnum. Things that make you go hmm.

    You know. We knew all this stuff last fall. We really were there... and then the board burst into flames................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    A certain someone showed up and took over chat and the mods. Threw his weight around and before we knew it the whole place BURNED down (sound FAMILIAR???) and we were reduced to a bunch of fighting, arguing, nasty warring factions who couldn't get along and were more interested in snipering each other then working on the hoax, not that we had a data base to build on anyway............

    He chased off Shikster. Of all people for gods sake, by that time all he did was post poems. I know I snapped at Shik once because people were calling him Michael on the board and he never would correct them and it seemed evasive.

    MJHDConspiracy started at that time too.

    And then she who will not be named showed up out of no where and paraded around like she knew something, and with an attitude like that, she was perfect to incite anger and hate.

    And then .net stabbed Seeing Clues in the back and he/she/it quit hoaxing.

    etc etc etc. Some fishy fucking shadey shit is going on here, that's all I have to say.

    Anyone else thinking along the lines of what I'm thinking?

    Yeah, I remember those days....Good <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Something is odd here, what is it, hmm, not quite sure.... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    I remember clearly seeing this in-fighting from my outsider "location" and this kept me away from joining any hoax forums for a long time - Whilst some people were purely, genuinely and with integrity focussing on understanding what happened to Michael, others seemed to be driven by their own evil egos and desire to create their own space and make a name for themselves with total disregard for others, including Michael.
    Human nature I guess or maybe the Hoax theory was progressing too fast for "somebody's" liking and it had to be slowed down or even "killed" all together.

    What is important is that the GOOD prevails over the EVIL at the end; the Future looks much brighter now than it did 12 months ago..

    With L.O.V.E

    Perhaps (underlined) but I disagree about what's important. To me what is important is that it appears we are (to some extent) lab rats playing a part in this hoax that we are unaware of and some of us didn't sign up for.

    40 days and 40 nights....

    Did you know the first was open for 40 days and 40 nights exactly before crashing that fateful first time? Exactly 40 days and 40 nights, on the dot, no funny math. 6/25/09--->8/3/09. It crashed sometime between midnight and 4am (8/4) west coast time zone.

    And ever since someone somewhere has been trying to get us to stop talking about it.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Oh yes, there were some very smart folks on MJHD and some very helpful ones. Once in a while some names drop by while searching the web. I am missing Tenderoni who was a law expert and gave us some interesting insights and Neverlandsfairy who started her own blog. What a pity that board crashed - a lot of very much good information was there that has since been removed from original websites.
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