
  • today is the miracle day - lets hope for better things
  • Medically this is BS.

    Propofol or any anaesthetic works in less than 15 secs. If any one has gone under for any procedure - you are actually asked to count to 10 and you rarely reach 10. You get groggy by 5 or so.

    So if Michael had to inject himself he could not have done so coherrently for more than 5 seconds. After which there would have been a spill / the syringe or bottle would have fallen down before it was fully injected. Even if Michael really pushed it, he would have gone into cardiac arrest with convulsions and his body would have been contorted and not just lying straight with his mouth and eyes agape.

    A man cannot inject something that works that fast and lie back flat so that the Doc does not know what you did, all under two minutes.

    OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SOO MUCH 4 THIS!!!!! i had no idea wat 2 think about the 'michael killed himself' story and defense they r gonna use and in my opinion i thought it was kinda believable but u just ruled it out as BS for me thank youuuuu xxx i wonder how the trials gonna go if they use this defense <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • What is wrong with these people!!? <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • pro bono - in america you get what you pay for or not
  • They will try anything to get Murray off, he had better leave the country or his life will be hell!!! <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->
  • no i fear an aweful reality check - where pictures of mikes body will be shown in court and theyre splashed every where, the needle marks, the real death pictures

    we wanted it and i fear we will get it - the final proof

    i dont want this but it maybe just what we will get.
    Oh noooooooooo! i hope not!!!
  • They will try anything to get Murray off, he had better leave the country or his life will be hell!!! <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->

    Really..? Why..? He didn't do anything wrong, unless you think Mike is dead. This is the Michael Jackson Death HOAX Investigators website, not the Michael Jackson DEATH Investigator's...
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    no i fear an aweful reality check - where pictures of mikes body will be shown in court and theyre splashed every where, the needle marks, the real death pictures

    we wanted it and i fear we will get it - the final proof

    i dont want this but it maybe just what we will get.
    You may be right with that. People should prepare themselves emotionally for the worst right now.
  • Lady JLady J Posts: 455
    We should prepare ourselves for the worst but I don´t think that he commited suicide if he´s really dead than it was a murder. Just think about his kids, he loved life much with his kids even though he was going through so many hard and painful things. I did not read what´s written on tmz but I just can´t believe he commited suicde that not the Michael I "knew" the world Michael "knew".
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    We should prepare ourselves for the worst but I don´t think that he commited suicide if he´s really dead than it was a murder. Just think about his kids, he loved life much with his kids even though he was going through so many hard and painful things. I did not read what´s written on tmz but I just can´t believe he commited suicde that not the Michael I "knew" the world Michael "knew".
    We don't know how Michael felt, however I'm with you on that. Even IF Michael did give himself that extra dose, it could just have been a reckless act, not necessarily with the intent to kill himself
  • if this man is dead - i think its medical negligence - Dumb Sh** and his lawyers - bad representation

    but we will have to wait and see

    if there is a plea then nothing will come out

    but is the 5th just the prelim's?
  • Unbelievable! That someone can use this as a defense. <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> But Murray is innocent because Michael is alive so no need to worry. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • the defence know the peoples case, and if it was mike and dumb sh** (sorry must stop that) then and one party ends up dead with to much of a certain drug which he cannot admin himself - looks like he will have to do a plea but will fight till then to get the best outcome - maybe non custodial?
  • its reported that Randy was there but kai says nothig about that, this aid is it the alvarez guy he is blaming

    maybe this is all rubbish and the defence what to see what we will say - no this site but generally.

    i cant see what other arguments that they could put forward

    unless they are going to say the the med were tampered with?
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    Murray in any case is fully responsible of taking care nobody could access substances such as the propofol but himself. That in itself is negligance. Even in a hospital, these are locked away and can only be accessed by staff that has permission.
  • Just a reminder - did any of you actually HEAR Murray himself say that he administered anything in the first place..? If so, I must have missed it. All I have seen so far is that youtube video of Murray, and that message is pretty clear.
  • LSKLSK Posts: 97
    I would take it easy. They had to come up with this story. I think it was in the autopsy report or something that whilst you can't set the iv up yourself after that you are perfectly capable of administering it yourself. If there is a possibility that that could be the case then Dr Murray could walk free as they might not be able to prove that he was the one who gave the fatal dose. Murray's a free man and MJ gets to live his life wherever. Thats the way I see it anyway but of course the story could be true.
  • he said that he did give anything that should have killed him

    well anything is dangerous in the wrong hands or negligent hands.

    but wasn the whole set up wrong - he did not have the right equipment to monitor him, he needed an assistant - but hey was his sister employed as a nurse?? does anyone remember.
  • Lady JLady J Posts: 455
    Yeah and the other thing is that they ruled: homicide on the death certificate and not suicide.
  • he said that he did give anything that should have killed him

    Really..? Again, the only time we heard anything from Murray himself was when he spoke out on the youtube video. Please watch it again, and tell me when he said anything regarding administering any kind of drugs..?

  • well i was speaking from memory, maybe from another source
  • in this rumour machine we also have

    <!-- m --> ... pital.html<!-- m -->

    Conrad Murray: 'Jackson alive at hospital'
    Tuesday, March 30 2010, 20:33 BST

    By Aaron Broverman, US Entertainment Reporter

    Rex Features
    Conrad Murray has claimed that Michael Jackson was still alive when he was taken to UCLA Medical Centre on the day of his death.

    According to TMZ, the singer's former personal physician said that he was able to resuscitate Jackson's heart at the popstar's home and maintained his heart rhythm in the ambulance.

    It is thought that doctors ran two EKGs on Jackson and that there was rhythmic heart activity during both times.

    Murray's evaluation contradicts paramedics at the scene who wanted to take him to the morgue, not UCLA, because they believed that he was dead.

    Jackson's dad Joe's lawyer Brian Oxman added that the weak pulse detected at UCLA was in reaction to resuscitation efforts.

    we have jermaine saying he was not with us before he was at [airport] but meaning hospital

    then we have the aides view
    <!-- m --> ... hide-drugs<!-- m -->
    Jacko Doc ‘Stopped CPR To Hide Drugs’And it’s claimed he delayed calling 911…
    11:07, Tuesday, 23 March 2010
    Michael Jackson’s doctor Conrad Murray allegedly stopped performing CPR on the singer so he could hide the drugs he’s been using - according to claims made yesterday.

    A leaked statement by Jackson’s aide Alberto Alvarez claims Conrad Murray, who was the singer’s personal physician, collected vials of medicine from his bedroom and delayed calling emergency services on the day Jackson died last year.

    In February this year Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter after the post mortem revealed Jackson had high levels of the anaesthetic propofol in his system when he died.

    Lawyers acting for Murray have dismissed Alvarez’ statement saying, “This statement was given more than two months after Michael Jackson's death and is inconsistent with a statement he (Alvarez) gave the police the day after Mr Jackson was taken to the hospital.”
  • Marissa87Marissa87 Posts: 30
    It is interesting how the propofol self-injection argument mirrors the same controversy that surrounded Kurt Cobain's death.

    Cobain was said to have injected SUCH a lethal amount of heroine into his system that it would have knocked him out in less than 5 seconds, making him groggy instantly. He then apparently, proceeded to shoot himself in the mouth.

    Personally, I believe Cobain was murdered. Michael's story seems to be following this same trend. There is absolutely no way he would have been able to inject all that himself. BS BS BS.

    Little by little Michael is revealed...
  • well i was speaking from memory, maybe from another source

    Correct, another source. That's exactly what I mean. Sources sources sources...many unnamed sources, sources 'close to the family', sources 'close to the DA', sources 'close to the defense team', sources 'close to the LAPD'. Yet NOT ONCE one of these 'sources' stepped forward and identified himself.

    TRIAL BY MEDIA is a phrase popular in the late 20th century and early 21st century to describe the impact of television and newspaper coverage on a person's reputation by creating a widespread perception of guilt regardless of any verdict in a court of law.

    Didn't we learn from Mike's trial..? Why are people jumping to conclusions now, just based on 'information' provided by 'unnamed sources'? HIStory is repeating itself...
  • lets turn this on its head - would effect does a suicide have on the whole thing - for the aeg insurance?
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