Hoax within a Hoax within a Hoax?



  • I don't know the law in this case but if Chandler admitts he lied, doesn't he have to pay back the 20 million $, besides being prosecuted for false deposition? Just asking....

    First of all - it was not 20 million, but $15,331,250. Both Evan and June Chandler obtained 1.5 million, while Larry Feldman obtained 3 million and 10% of the settlement which would bring his earnings to close to 5 million dollars. A simple calculation shows that the most Jordan Chandler could have gotten was a little less than 8 million dollars.

    Second - since this was a civil suit, I'm not sure if prosecution would automatically follow once Jordan would come forward with the truth or that Mike would have to press charges against him in order to get him prosecuted.
    Well, even if it's "only" 8 millions, it's still a lot of money. How can he come publicly and say they got these money lying?
    But I know they said it on the news Jordan admitted Michael never did anything to him. I clearly remember I heard it on the news on TV a short time after June 25th.

    Well, I would not attach any importance to the news reporting that Jordan admitted Michael never did anything to him, because in the agreement it actually says the Chandlers can only speak of the case in a court of law.

    Mo is correct that the 'agreement' prohibits any of the parties speaking publicly about it.
    BTW when this 'news' broke, Ray Chandler , brother of Evan (uncle to Jordy) came out publicly and denied that Jordy ever made ANY statement...... it was circulated on the internet by people who just wanted to mess with the fans.

    so chandlers testimony on michaels innocennce would only prove relevant to this case if he could show who really profited from these allegations against michael and there would have to be a conection to murry such as that these were the very same people that murry is currently the fall guy for. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    So in summary, Jordy Chandler could only make a public statement about what happened if the agreement in place was legally amended (Both parties legally agreeing on an amendment to the existing agreement) or he was summoned to do so in court. (On which ground however?)
    This is disappointing as it is difficult to see which incentive J Chandler would have in coming clear other than clearing his own conscience.
    Any other thoughts?

    With L.O.V.E
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    But didn't Michael hired a... detective to have some "interesting" info on all these people.... maybe that showing their true colors, the plot behind all that, exposing them publicly, would be of a greater help we cannot wait for them to admit their guilt...
  • But didn't Michael hired a... detective to have some "interesting" info on all these people.... maybe that showing their true colors, the plot behind all that, exposing them publicly, would be of a greater help we cannot wait for them to admit their guilt...

    Sarahli, did you read our blog "V for Vendetta – V for Vengeance"? Your question is answered right there...

    <!-- m -->http://doubledutchblogs.wordpress.com/2 ... vengeance/<!-- m -->

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    But didn't Michael hired a... detective to have some "interesting" info on all these people.... maybe that showing their true colors, the plot behind all that, exposing them publicly, would be of a greater help we cannot wait for them to admit their guilt...

    Sarahli, did you read our blog "V for Vendetta – V for Vengeance"? Your question is answered right there...

    <!-- m -->http://doubledutchblogs.wordpress.com/2 ... vengeance/<!-- m -->

    That was a great piece of blog <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    My question then and now, after re-reading all, what happened to Rodney Allen?
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    But didn't Michael hired a... detective to have some "interesting" info on all these people.... maybe that showing their true colors, the plot behind all that, exposing them publicly, would be of a greater help we cannot wait for them to admit their guilt...

    Sarahli, did you read our blog "V for Vendetta – V for Vengeance"? Your question is answered right there...

    <!-- m -->http://doubledutchblogs.wordpress.com/2 ... vengeance/<!-- m -->

    Yes...but I have a bad memory...I should eat more fish I think <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • But didn't Michael hired a... detective to have some "interesting" info on all these people.... maybe that showing their true colors, the plot behind all that, exposing them publicly, would be of a greater help we cannot wait for them to admit their guilt...

    Sarahli, did you read our blog "V for Vendetta – V for Vengeance"? Your question is answered right there...

    <!-- m -->http://doubledutchblogs.wordpress.com/2 ... vengeance/<!-- m -->

    Yes...but I have a bad memory...I should eat more fish I think <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    There is something seriously twisted with this entire story. If you were a kid who had a sweet friendship with someone other people--billions--- would die for, and your sick father messed this all up, even drugging you, so you yourself were never certain of what you believe you remember, no one would blame you for just keeping to yourself, until you figured it out in your mind. But after years of further relating to your twisted evil dad--and sick mother, BTW, things should have cleared up bigtime. Wouldn't you miss the friendship and seek closure (Especially with something so creepy, like this), and restitution for your friend, as an adult?

    This guy, Jordan Chandler has been an adult for over a decade. He's set himself up in a condo, and some business (I forget which) quite comfortably on MJ's money, WITHOUT REGRET. This is what bothers me the most. I don't care if he got a trillion dollars or only one dollar.

    If this were you, wouldn't you take steps --on wings---to rectify and restore the relationship, once you became a free legal agent, at 21??? Sure, he was a boy--maybe it is different with girls, but I would rather have Mike back in my life, and determine myself if this ever could have happened as my father had put into my mind, than ANY amount of blood money!!

    Is he gutless? Is he THAT coldly indifferent to what this has done to Michael Jackson's career, reputation and life?? Is there something wrong with his brain, preventing him from seeing the stupidity and greed in the whole episode of his "life with father"? Or does he just simply not want to part with the money??? He must be harder and colder than even his bent father, for this to not bother him to action! This is amazing to me.

    It is also amazing how the money was divided. On what planet does it make sense to compensate two retarded part- time parents, for the molestation of another human being, even if he was their child? The whole story stinks to high Heaven. There was alot we didn't and don't know, then and now, because of the gag order. But...since Jordan became an adult...? Can any one really wrap your mind around that???

    How can this man face himself in the mirror every day? I badly want to knock, hard, on his head and ask if anyone is home in there. Never mind his heart---not touching that; I don't want frostbite. Never mind a feeling person (perhaps his dysfunctional parents were unable to instill the virtue of kind regard for others in their kid--still, he should have learned a thing or two from MJ. Did nothing stick?), but a THINKING person would want to get to the bottom of this and answer his own questions about that time in his childhood, himself. Astounding that he hasn't. (Or, maybe he has, he & Mike are friends again, and Mike just said about the money, "Keep it"...It is none of our business--but it wouldn't be imposing on his friend to EXPECT a public statement, clearing his name, for god's sake. It would be the ONLY decent thing to do, as a real friend. I say, to Chandler, put your money where your mouth is---it would speak volumes more than words, and your words are hollow without it. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> )
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    We do not know the man Jordan and we do not know the boy Jordy and we do know nothing about his life then and now. I do not judge. I don't even like the idea of what happened through him to Michael while being used as a channel but this human being Jordan was abused as well and only God knows how much wrongdoing was executed on him. If we read about the practices described by other victims, I only feel pity and shame and not an urge for condemning those who had to endure the abuse. Those victims do deserve their privacy, too. Pulling them into public spot light just reestablishes the horror past as a permanent status.
    Jordan as much as Michael as much as anybody else who had to experience cruelty deserves to be left alone - on an equal level - and has the right to a private life. Money is never an answer and provides never a healing, on any side of the coin. If Michael has to clear things up, he will do it if not already done. It is not a subject for my hands or mouth.

  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    The conspiracy against Michael, I think, includes many more people so focusing only on Jordan Chandler is reducing the scope of people involved and their respective responsability. If the system was not corrupt this would not have been possible in the first place.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    You guys are torturing my mind... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I was carefully reading and all that became so "official social experiment study" government like kind of things...will they publish a report? Sorry. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Maybe that it is more simple than that....or more complicated <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> My take is that people are so brainwashed that this experiment is the only way to wake them up, to hit hard enough on a global scale is what is absolutely needed. How long will this giant masquerade still last? I'm tired of the lie illusion we live in. Everyone is Responsible to a certain degree. This is also I think a lesson that has to learned. If I cried because Michael "died" it is my fault not his, I am responsible. Why did I "engage" myself in this "relation" in the first place when I perfectly know that Michael does not even suspect my existence? Why didn't I just listened to his music without involving myself emotionally? And as Grace mentionned maybe controlled damages were necessary but here it's not a question of life or death for the people emotionally involved, their reactions to Michael's "death" will make them realize to what extent they were gullible in front of the News channels, they will realize that they have been duped, especially if Michael himself explains it plainly and clearly. If they still don't get it than I really don't know what will.

    It may seem that I am excluding myself from the gullible masses but I don't discard the possibility that I in fact am part of it. If it appears that I was wrong all along, that I have been mind controlled in this experiment and that something will be done so that I realize it, then I would really be thankful because what is worse that being mind controlled without having a clue? I would be thanfkul to have been thought a great lesson. Really.

    The mass media better be prepared to get a taste of their own medecine.

    A few people have said this same thing, that each is responsible for their own emotions and reaction. It is a very mature, thoughtful, concept. It is the Truth. Millions of people make others or anything, responsible for what ever THEY are "going through".

    To be sure, Michael Jackson with his big lie, was the catalyst, here. In chemistry, there is not even the possibilty of a substance not reacting to a known catalyst. I feel like you and others are feeling somewhat embarrassed or mad at yourselves for FEELING, here, as if you are some how ABLE to resist, because you are human, a higher functioning being than any chemical. But, we are only responsible for what we feel and do NEXT, after the catalyst does its thing. Birds can fly over head, or land on your head. We are not responsible unless we let them stay and build their families a nest there! A brick between the eyes is only avoidable if one SEES it coming in time.

    Michael Jackson's "death" was brick between the eyes. We knew him, we thought, like family, some of us for 40 years. He was at the dinner table (in conversation) many nights. People who were not fans--like my dad--gasped in shock and called people! (My dad <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> called me at work--that's how earth-rattling this horrible news was.)The initial reaction was predictable and worked like a charm.

    There is NO bad in loving someone and feeling gutshot at hearing some tragic news about them. Never be embarrassed about the tenderness of love. It doesn't even MATTER if he knows you. I have cried over strangers a lot, mostly at the sick things people do to each other. Be concerned if the pain of other people DOESN'T move you. A heart of stone is one of the sorriest, most worthless things there is.

    Now, if one is still crying months later, it is probably for one's self. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Don't throw anything, I said, "probably". Only that person, being honest with <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> themselves, would know. And this is totally their responsibility, and, business...

    I wouldn't take it personally about this being some goverment or even MJ, experiment, either. Mike said it was all for love. He's not hurting us, or counting up our tears for his ego. He's not laughing at us for being gullible, or duping us. It was on the official NEWS, for gosh sakes!

    There IS a reasonable expectation of hearing accurately researched truth, there!!(which is why it is so dirty, to sucker punch viewers)

    It is everything else--all the clues to certain things later, which point to how people have been duped, if they are still under the media shpiel and spell, or won't give it up--the lie, when SHOWN the clues to the facts...

    I for one am content to know that I was in the right group, the Brokenhearted, amongst the billions who "all cried the same time" that night. For sociological purposes, I believe there were two other groups, the Indifferent---the "what's it got to do with me" crowd, i.e., nothing except their immediate realtionships move them; and the Haters who laughed and instantly mounted the internet to gloat and add insult to injury..." There IS hope for the world, in that there are way more lovers than haters here, yet. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> (And, as Carly Simon once sang, "...there's more ROOM in a broken heart...".) Haven't you all noticed this as well? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Try not to take seriously, statements like "..that hasn't gone unnoticed...", as if MJ is actually scrutinizing our behavior here and judging us harshly. Michael Jackson, above all others, knows we each have ENOUGH critics.

    Anyway, that Sweet Joker <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> is waaay too busy making movies with a message, for our information and delight! If he gets a moment to peek in, it is with PURE LOVE, at the marvelous diversity of thought, and warmth of hearts towards each other <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    And he is not such a crybaby that fans' photoshops with his likeness (as long as the pix are not criminal) make him crazy! I bet he does what we do--laughs and shakes his head!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> He's posed for a bazillion pictures over the years. He hasn't called one of them back--he WANTS us to have them! If this bothers any one, it is not Mike. I had a dream once, where MJ said something to me, and I use it from time to time with my own critics, very sweetly: "If you don't like it, don't look <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> " (don't waste time being jealous).

    Someday, we should have a kind of promotion, where everyone photoshops themselves into a photo with MJ, and he can have his staff put them in scrapbooks, to feel the love, and laugh, when he is ninety nine years old...

    Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Comfort and Joy, kids <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Its Her thanks for your post <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I am not sure if you understood me well and if I understood your answer well...Let me just say that I also cried like a baby when Michael "died" I just wanted to point out the fact that people cannot say that it is his fault when he comes back thinking about all the fans who actually don't believe this to be hoax. You know the kind of "how did he dare to do that to me?" reaction... >I don't say that mourning or crying the loss of someone you loved even if he did not suspect your existence is bad in itself, it actually happened to me too. It is the aftermaths and the different reactions that can be revealing about a person's true state of mind or belief. Well I don't know how to express myself sometimes I'm running out of words. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> God bless you.
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    We do not know the man Jordan and we do not know the boy Jordy and we do know nothing about his life then and now. I do not judge. I don't even like the idea of what happened through him to Michael while being used as a channel but this human being Jordan was abused as well and only God knows how much wrongdoing was executed on him. If we read about the practices described by other victims, I only feel pity and shame and not an urge for condemning those who had to endure the abuse. Those victims do deserve their privacy, too. Pulling them into public spot light just reestablishes the horror past as a permanent status. Jordan as much as Michael as much as anybody else who had to experience cruelty deserves to be left alone - on an equal level - and has the right to a private life. Money is never an answer and provides never a healing, on any side of the coin. If Michael has to clear things up, he will do it if not already done. It is not a subject for my hands or mouth.

    You are correct in so many ways. I feel your big heart. Love is always the correct route to go---in real life.

    My point in repeatedly marveling at JC's APPARENT coldness, is just that. The entire thing is so unbelievably cruel and cold--the parent to the sweetest, most generous and enjoyable family friend; the parent to the child--his own son; the mother standing mute in this day and age?? In our lifetime? <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> Especially estranged from the spouse causing the ruckus??? I know more than I want to know about how estranged, separated and divorced people act towards their former "I need you to live!" lovers. Dis ain't IT <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> NO <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> There is something very, very...surreal about the entire scenario. It is Tabloid. There, I said it.

    I have heard that coming right out and calling MJ on this, as a Hoax, for publicity, angers him immensely. Yeah, well... This is an investigation into his (hoaxed?) death. I "loved" him and cried like a baby; I've earned the right to investigate everything, just from that hurt---but, I can do this privately--not necessarily here... If he's so mad--let's see it. Come out ( <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> please, Sir). I would NEVER make light of something serious. I am trying to be soft-stepping here, in the interest of Truth. We need to consider this, don't you think? MJ, Admins, if I am overstepping, I apologize, monstrously. I won't bring it up again.

    In the movie, The Prestige , there is a bit of wisdom, which just may come back to bite MJ worse than anything has so far: As I recall, Hugh Jackman's character is about to be shown a secret to Tesla's "magic", and he asks, "Well, what's to keep me from telling?" and the guy says, chuckling: "You're a magician---who'd believe YOU " Remember what happened to the boy who cried "wolf!".... THIS is what is scary.

    I don't want to start anything. Just simply saying...even the manner in which they met, is surreal. He had to wear a disguise to go Pioneering! Do we believe he was out for a drive sans disguise, and in distress, simply sauntered in to someone's shop on the street, for help? Do we believe a guy would go to school forever to become a dentist, and then commit a criminal act before he's even made a dent in his student loan (which will be waiting for him, with interest, you bet, after he serves his time)?? And, why isn't he in prison? I would not put it out of my mind, just yet, that senior Chandler is very much alive and in the wings, awaiting his next scene...sort of a hoax, within a hoax within a Hoax, eh? Where have I heard that?
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Its Her thanks for your post <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I am not sure if you understood me well and if I understood your answer well...Let me just say that I also cried like a baby when Michael "died" I just wanted to point out the fact that people cannot say that it is his fault when he comes back thinking about all the fans who actually don't believe this to be hoax. You know the kind of "how did he dare to do that to me?" reaction... >I don't say that mourning or crying the loss of someone you loved even if he did not suspect your existence is bad in itself, it actually happened to me too. It is the aftermaths and the different reactions that can be revealing about a person's true state of mind or belief. Well I don't know how to express myself sometimes I'm running out of words. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> God bless you.
    Hi Sarahli,
    Yes, I understood you. You are right. People who are still crying right now will blame him for their almost two years of misery---when all they had to do is check out this site <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> . I also just thought you were feeling a tad gullible. My mistake. I didn't want you to "feel duped", or embarrassed. The people here are no way gullible. We are eagle eyed, now. Cheers! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    well...i still cry sometimes...maybe because i am no sure of nothing 100% and maybe too because i cant forget all he endured all his life, and no, i will never blame him for my tears...i will be very very so much happy if he did hoax his death for real and he kick some butts out!! maybe he needed to do this for see who is really by his side in his own circle too.

    Michael love you!
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    well...i still cry sometimes...maybe because i am no sure of nothing 100% and maybe too because i cant forget all he endured all his life, and no, i will never blame him for my tears...i will be very very so much happy if he did hoax his death for real and he kick some butts out!! maybe he needed to do this for see who is really by his side in his own circle too.

    Michael love you!

    It's exactly how I feel, your words describe my feelings too. I wish we would have that thing to make us be sure 100% he is OK and not have a dagger in our hearts everytime we read another interview of someone telling the way he was killed. I'd wish...
    And no, he is not to blame. He would be the last person in this world to blame. He has the right to do this and even more, for everything he passed through
  • well...i still cry sometimes...maybe because i am no sure of nothing 100% and maybe too because i cant forget all he endured all his life, and no, i will never blame him for my tears...i will be very very so much happy if he did hoax his death for real and he kick some butts out!! maybe he needed to do this for see who is really by his side in his own circle too.

    Michael love you!

    It's exactly how I feel, your words describe my feelings too. I wish we would have that thing to make us be sure 100% he is OK and not have a dagger in our hearts everytime we read another interview of someone telling the way he was killed. I'd wish...
    And no, he is not to blame. He would be the last person in this world to blame. He has the right to do this and even more, for everything he passed through
    I agree with you both.I still cry ...I'm hoping that he found his peace and happiness now.I'm waiting for his comeback like I never waited for anything in my life.
  • Hey there......we are the beLIEvers, right? What is with the sadness I'm sensing here in the last few posts. The way I see it we are slowly building up to the ABSOLUTE THRILLER of MJ's career. Lets face it, he has been hoaxing the world for a long time..... preparing us for the biggest hoax of all and subsequently, the most Explosive Reveal of all time....his defining moment of actually coming back from the 'dead'. This is 'talent like we've never seen before' because it simply has never been done before.... not on this grand scale. With all of the MJ-related events coming in a procession layer by layer, I expect the energy will build upon itself reaching a crescendo so powerful that no one will be able to deny it anymore. That is the moment when the world will rock and feel the presence that MJ in fact LIVES. To take the roller coaster metaphor, we have just begun the steep ascent upwards, let us savour each new project that is revealed to us and remember that the journey is just as important (if not more) as the destination.
  • Hey there......we are the beLIEvers, right? What is with the sadness I'm sensing here in the last few posts. The way I see it we are slowly building up to the ABSOLUTE THRILLER of MJ's career. Lets face it, he has been hoaxing the world for a long time..... preparing us for the biggest hoax of all and subsequently, the most Explosive Reveal of all time....his defining moment of actually coming back from the 'dead'. This is 'talent like we've never seen before' because it simply has never been done before.... not on this grand scale. With all of the MJ-related events coming in a procession layer by layer, I expect the energy will build upon itself reaching a crescendo so powerful that no one will be able to deny it anymore. That is the moment when the world will rock and feel the presence that MJ in fact LIVES. To take the roller coaster metaphor, we have just begun the steep ascent upwards, let us savour each new project that is revealed to us and remember that the journey is just as important (if not more) as the destination.

    Thanks BJ - great post. Yes, we are at the point in the ride where it's too far to go back but still frightening because you know you aren't there yet and you can't see every turn you are about to take. All you see is the steep incline up. Get the barf bags ready. I have a feeling it's going to be a long, fast, drop before the next turn hits.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    ....... To take the roller coaster metaphor, we have just begun the steep ascent upwards, let us savour each new project that is revealed to us and remember that the journey is just as important (if not more) as the destination.

    Heck of an ascent Blackjack <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Yes, each clue, each project each new thought pattern is like the roller coaster's click as we climb and climb and climb...I for one, am so putting my hands up when we hit the drop!

    I have always looked at a destination as a by-product of the journey itself. To truly appreciate a beautiful sunset, one must see the sun rise and travel throughout the day before resting on the dark waves of night. Each day is a new opportunity for a person to find beauty on the road of life. Sometimes, it's as simple as sunshine. Other times, it's clear as mud. But, the journey is always worth it, and in the end the destination is all the more sweet.
    Thank you for your post BlackJack....no sadness here, just pure appreciation for the journey.

    Blessings Always,
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Hey there......we are the beLIEvers, right? What is with the sadness I'm sensing here in the last few posts. The way I see it we are slowly building up to the ABSOLUTE THRILLER of MJ's career. Lets face it, he has been hoaxing the world for a long time..... preparing us for the biggest hoax of all and subsequently, the most Explosive Reveal of all time....his defining moment of actually coming back from the 'dead'. This is 'talent like we've never seen before' because it simply has never been done before.... not on this grand scale. With all of the MJ-related events coming in a procession layer by layer, I expect the energy will build upon itself reaching a crescendo so powerful that no one will be able to deny it anymore. That is the moment when the world will rock and feel the presence that MJ in fact LIVES. To take the roller coaster metaphor, we have just begun the steep ascent upwards, let us savour each new project that is revealed to us and remember that the journey is just as important (if not more) as the destination.

    This sadness that is felt around here is probably because there are people who still suffer, who still cry (I am one of them) when they think about Michael and this because we know what he has been through all these years, how injust it was it all, how he suffered like he never ever had to suffer and it hurts when I think about that very much.....Also,in my case, because I am a person who without certainity I can't be happy and feel peace in my heart if I don't have a tangible proof of my belief. I feel guilty so many times..There are moments when it passes through my mind how it was all last year, I still have in my mind like if it was yesterday how I learned about what happened on June 25th, where I was and how I reacted.... then the memorial and the funeral, how much I cried and grieved like you can't imagine.....An it still hurts because I can't take this out of my head. Because he didn't deserve to pass through all that, he dserves to be free and loved and respected and this world didn't give this to him. Instead he suffered and felt humiliated in very single possible way. That's why I feel guilty....because I can't be happy and hoping for him to come back to the world when I take into consideration he might not be with us, it could be just an illusion....and like this, I would not show him respect believing he might be here...It's hard to explain what I feel. It's a constant battle inside my heart....I can't be hoping and joyful when I still have no certainity, and it's all about him, not about me....because I want to do the right thing, to show him all the love and respect I feel for him.It's hard what I feel.....
    Thank you BJ <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    As always, you make it all sound so clear <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    So THRILLED to have someone like you here.

    As you are such a good psychologist, maybe some day you will explain to us what secret string Michael "touched" in our souls that made us all love him so much .......
    Lets face it, he has been hoaxing the world for a long time.....

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> That's why I LOVE this crazy kid
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Hey there......we are the beLIEvers, right? What is with the sadness I'm sensing here in the last few posts. The way I see it we are slowly building up to the ABSOLUTE THRILLER of MJ's career. Lets face it, he has been hoaxing the world for a long time..... preparing us for the biggest hoax of all and subsequently, the most Explosive Reveal of all time....his defining moment of actually coming back from the 'dead'. This is 'talent like we've never seen before' because it simply has never been done before.... not on this grand scale. With all of the MJ-related events coming in a procession layer by layer, I expect the energy will build upon itself reaching a crescendo so powerful that no one will be able to deny it anymore. That is the moment when the world will rock and feel the presence that MJ in fact LIVES. To take the roller coaster metaphor, we have just begun the steep ascent upwards, let us savour each new project that is revealed to us and remember that the journey is just as important (if not more) as the destination.

    yes, my latest few posts have a trace of sadness lately because this is how I feel. I find nothing so good in the fact that the kids do the Oprah interview just after she airs a show about child molestations - and the photo and preview show them smilling like having fun with the woman who said that shit about their father, I don't find nothing good in the fact that Jackie was sharing hugs and kisses with Oprah,smilling as he would have met his best friend. I was expecting totally something else, not this image of them. I was expecting that some things will publicly be cleared up on Oprah and not to show to the world that they are OK with everything and that they are in a so good relationship with the woman who thought and supported the theory of Michael being a child abuser back in 2005. No, BJ, I can't hinde my real feelings. It's not what I expected, I didn't think it would be like this. If even the family poses in a so great relationship with Oprah, what the world would learn? That Michael is still guilty in their narrow minds, this is what they will learn. No one, absolutelly no one makes a move to clear up some things about the shit she's been said, no one and you wonder why the sadness in my posts. This is why, BJ. It's not Ok and you know what I mean
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    My point in repeatedly marveling at JC's APPARENT coldness, is just that. The entire thing is so unbelievably cruel and cold--the parent to the sweetest, most generous and enjoyable family friend; the parent to the child--his own son; the mother standing mute in this day and age?? In our lifetime? <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> Especially estranged from the spouse causing the ruckus??? I know more than I want to know about how estranged, separated and divorced people act towards their former "I need you to live!" lovers. Dis ain't IT <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> NO <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> There is something very, very...surreal about the entire scenario. It is Tabloid. There, I said it.

    I have heard that coming right out and calling MJ on this, as a Hoax, for publicity, angers him immensely. Yeah, well... This is an investigation into his (hoaxed?) death. I "loved" him and cried like a baby; I've earned the right to investigate everything, just from that hurt---but, I can do this privately--not necessarily here... If he's so mad--let's see it. Come out ( <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> please, Sir). I would NEVER make light of something serious. I am trying to be soft-stepping here, in the interest of Truth. We need to consider this, don't you think? MJ, Admins, if I am overstepping, I apologize, monstrously. I won't bring it up again.

    In the movie, The Prestige , there is a bit of wisdom, which just may come back to bite MJ worse than anything has so far: As I recall, Hugh Jackman's character is about to be shown a secret to Tesla's "magic", and he asks, "Well, what's to keep me from telling?" and the guy says, chuckling: "You're a magician---who'd believe YOU " Remember what happened to the boy who cried "wolf!".... THIS is what is scary.

    I don't want to start anything. Just simply saying...even the manner in which they met, is surreal. He had to wear a disguise to go Pioneering! Do we believe he was out for a drive sans disguise, and in distress, simply sauntered in to someone's shop on the street, for help? Do we believe a guy would go to school forever to become a dentist, and then commit a criminal act before he's even made a dent in his student loan (which will be waiting for him, with interest, you bet, after he serves his time)?? And, why isn't he in prison? I would not put it out of my mind, just yet, that senior Chandler is very much alive and in the wings, awaiting his next scene...sort of a hoax, within a hoax within a Hoax, eh? Where have I heard that?

    Interesting ItsHer. To say the entire situation, culminating with the suicide on the 5th of November, is puzzling would be an understatement. I am simply unable to answer how this all comes about.

    On that same note, Bashir, and the fact that it ever existed to be creative edited and used to "sabotage" MJ with in the first place, is a complete source of confusion for me. I have a hard time envisioning MJ as the type to make so many MASSIVE errors in judgment. It's almost more logical to me that there is always a purpose for these confusing events that is not known to the public.
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